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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll explore the strategies that the 5 first masters in the America server used to...
guide lor standard
Pioneer Masters is coming to Magic Arena and will significantly reduce the differences between Pione...
Reprints Pioneer Masters Arena
In this article, we evaluate the most important Pioneer Masters cards for Magic Arena's Timeless for...
Timeless Review Pioneer Masters
In this article, we introduce five decks that Pioneer Masters has enabled in Explorer format and whe...
Pioneer Masters Explorer Decklists
Gabriel Nunes
In today's article, let's see which Pioneer cards are still not in Arena and try to guess which card...
explorer pioneer masters set
In this article, we listed 5 fun off-meta decks to play in Masters. These lists are not very powerfu...
guide masters standard
Check out everything that happened at Masters Tour Summer 2024!
Standard Tournament Competitive
In this article, I'll teach you how to play the 3 decks I used to get to Masters in 4 days. I only u...
guide standard decks
In this article, I'll teach you how to play with Swain Norra, a Noxus Control deck, and the list I c...
guide eternal control
In this article, I'll teach you how to play with the deck I reached masters with in this standard ra...
guide control standard
Pacto das Guildas
Commander Masters brought new additions to Pauper, and big expectations to change the format. In tod...
Pauper CMM Decks
Commander Masters only has reprints. Which of these cards were really expected? Check it out in this...
commander commander masters reprint
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll explore the popular Modern combo right now, with Flumph and Orcish Bowmast...
modern competitive
Commander Masters is coming, and, alongside the new set, new possibilities are here for Legacy. Let'...
commander masters legacy review
A review of Commander Masters Spoilers and Downshifts and how they will impact the Pauper Metagame.
Pauper Commander Masters CMM
Discover the noteworthy cards that were downgraded to Common in Commander Masters and that could ent...
pauper common
Commander Masters features four new Commander/EDH decks: Eldrazi Unbound (Colorless), Enduring Encha...
commander edh decklists
As usual, for MTG's new set, we are graced by Gavin Verhey with 12 new hints about the cards! Check ...
news set commander hints