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Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rodrigo William
See the return of the "Poltergeist" attack, which allows you to reveal your opponent's hand and deal...
Gengar Kanto 151 TCG Poltergeist Attack
Keep up with the Wolves of Galar decks with their VStar forms plus the benefits from ADP's GX attack...
Zacian Zamazenta SteelType Massive Damage
Pedro Braga
It's time we venture into the world of... Adventures! As we look for the best Adventure cards in Wil...
list top10 adventures
Get to know a decklist with the "151" special set Golem ex. It can fulfill the role of taking damage...
Golem Kanto Tanker Heal 151 TCG
Get to know a rogue deck with Kangaskhan ex, which will be released in the "151" special set. With L...
Kangaskhan Kanto TCG 151
In today's article, we'll review the main legendary creatures present in Wilds of Eldraine, and deci...
list commander eldraine
Check out this deck tech with Ninetales ex, from the 151 set, which uses the number of cards in both...
TCG Standard Ninetales Fire Type
Let See how useful is the "Baby" Dragonite that will come in the especial "151" collection. It offer...
Dragonite Obsidian Flame 151 Kanto TCG
Check out in this article the top 10 most expensive cards from the "151" special sub set, with honor...
TCG Kanto Special Sub Set Nostalgia Valua
In this article, check out an analysis on which are the possibly strongest Pokémon for the metagame ...
PokémonTCG Kanto 151 Set Standard
Check out the top 10 most beautiful cards (based on my opinion) from the "151" special set, the firs...
151 Kanto Special Set Opinion Art
Follow the launch of the Mc Donald's promotion for the month of September, bringing Scarlet & Violet...
Colection Happy Meal Pokémon TCG
In this article, I share some questions about the Pokémon TCG, its shortcomings as an expanding game...
Pokémon TCG Problems Solutions Opinion
Follow the Jynx ex deck, which collaborates with a devastating attack that can knock out any Pokémon...
Standard Jynx Kanto Hit Kill Theory
Today, we'll discuss Lantern Control: a unique strategy in Modern's past, which could be used to con...
modern decktech
Keep track of Andrew Estrada's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Regionals championship deck; his version of ...
TCG Standard Regional Lost Box Andrew Estrada
Get to know the Charizard ex Terastal deck, which was released in the Scarlet & Violet: Obsidian Fla...
Standard Charizard Pidgeot Obsidian Flames
In this article, we will provide an updated explanation of the "Phasing" keyword, created in Mirage....
rules mechanics questions phasing