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Pauper: Izzet Faeries Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Izzet Faeries Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Today's analysed deck is Izzet Faeries, which controls the game while taking advantage of the Monar...

izzet faeries deck guide pauper

Pioneer: Modern cards that could fit in the format

Pioneer: Modern cards that could fit in the format


There's been a significant power level boost in Magic in recent years, and many Pioneer staples make...

Pioneer Reprints Modern

Anachronism Review: Epic battles beyond chronology!

Anachronism Review: Epic battles beyond chronology!

Cesar Cusin

Imagine Ramses II against Achilles, or Spartacus against Genghis Khan. This is only possible in Anac...

anachronism review board games

Pauper: Orzhov Pestilence Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Orzhov Pestilence Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

A creature-based Orzhov Pestilence is making more results in the past few weeks. Today, let's talk a...

pauper pestilence deck guide

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out


Check out 10 new decks with the new Legends of Runeterra champions.

gwen evelynn kai’sa lor forcesfrombeyond deck

Magic Arena: Historic Anthology 6 Review

Magic Arena: Historic Anthology 6 Review


Is it worth buying the sixth bundle in the Historic Anthology series? In this article, we look at th...

review historic anthology arena

Magic Arena: Explorer Anthology 1 Review

Magic Arena: Explorer Anthology 1 Review


After all, is it worth buying the first Explorer Anthology bundle? In this article, we look at the c...

explorer anthology review

Standard: Decks that might survive the Rotation

Standard: Decks that might survive the Rotation


Dominaria United is approaching, as is the new season. In this article, I present five decks that wi...

standard rotation decks

Legacy: Jeskai Control Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Jeskai Control Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Lucas Santana

Jeskai Control is one of the most played decks in Legacy. Let's understand its advantages and what l...

deck guide legacy jeskai control

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!


The Gates have become the new trend in Pauper. In this article, I analyze which strategies this comb...

Gates Pauper Analysis

Top 10 Weirdest and funniest Commanders in Magic

Top 10 Weirdest and funniest Commanders in Magic

Pedro Braga

In this Top 10 for Commander, we will see some of the most insane creatures with the weirdest abilit...

top 10 commander

Kai'sa, Gwen and Evelynn: First Impressions

Kai'sa, Gwen and Evelynn: First Impressions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the new expansion Forces From Beyond, we'll have three new champions coming: Kai'sa, Gwen and E...

expansion impressions forces from beyond

Pauper: Mono Red Blitz Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Mono Red Blitz Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Monastery Swiftspear didn't just come to help Burn, in Mono Red Blitz it also helps a lot and the de...

mono red blitz pauper deck guide

Explorer: Jund Food Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Jund Food Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Jund Food has several micro-interactions that allow it to play on top of other Midranges while being...

explorer deck guide jund food sacrifice

Penny Dreadful: Season 25 Metagame Analysis & Decklists

Penny Dreadful: Season 25 Metagame Analysis & Decklists


Let's break through the 25th season of the cheapest format to play on MTGO and understand the main d...

mtgo penny dreadful metagame budget

Magic Arena: A Guide to the Main Formats!

Magic Arena: A Guide to the Main Formats!


In this article, I present the main Magic Arena formats, their rules and what are the pros and cons ...

magic arena formats guide

Explorer: Rakdos Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Rakdos Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Rakdos Midrange is at the top of Explorer today and proposes a fair play that adapts to any situatio...

explorer arena deck guide rakdos

Find out which are the 10 biggest casinos in the world

Find out which are the 10 biggest casinos in the world


Have you ever wondered where the biggest casinos in the world are? As shocking as it may be, Las Veg...

casinos biggest world

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