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Commander Deck Tech: Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward

Commander Deck Tech: Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward

Eduardo Silveira

In this article, we explore several possibilities for Abdel Adrian, going through different formats ...

abdel arian deck tech

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format


We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...

legacy 10 staples

Card Highlight: Liliana of the Veil on Pioneer & Standard

Card Highlight: Liliana of the Veil on Pioneer & Standard


Liliana of the Veil will be reprinted on Dominaria United. In this article, we look at its potential...

Liliana reprint standard pioneer

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!

The Winners and Losers of Legends of Runeterra's Patch 3.13 by Region!


In this article, I'll gauge the changes according to the regions that were most affected and, throug...

patch breakdown competitive meta lor

5 decks to play in the first few days of Patch 3.13

5 decks to play in the first few days of Patch 3.13

Tony Lucas

The new balance update brought quite relevant changes that are set to shake up LoR's meta. Check out...

meta decks update

Standard: 10 Cards to keep an eye on  2022 Post-Rotation

Standard: 10 Cards to keep an eye on 2022 Post-Rotation


The Standard rotation is approaching, and in today's article I present ten cards with enough potenti...

standard top 10 rotation

Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH

Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH

Felipe Torres

A selection of the top 15 mana ramp cards used in cEDH.

cEDH top 15 commander

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me


In this article, I present three points about competitive Magic and deckbuilding that stand out in P...

analysis pauper lessons

Budget Explorer: Mono White Heroic Deck Tech & Upgrades Guide

Budget Explorer: Mono White Heroic Deck Tech & Upgrades Guide


Favored Hoplite was just what was needed to make Mono White Heroic a viable and accessible option in...

heroic budget arena explorer

Pauper: Jund Cascade Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Jund Cascade Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Can Jund Cascade stay strong in the format? Can it handle Pauper's speed? Today we are going to answ...

jund cascade pauper

Top 10 Magic: The Gathering's most impactful sets

Top 10 Magic: The Gathering's most impactful sets

Lucas Santana

Which were the most memorable sets from Magic: The Gathering? In this article, I present the ten mos...

lore top 10 sets

Pioneer: Mono Red Aggro Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Mono Red Aggro Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Sometimes, the best option is to care more about sticking to your game plan and focus on striking fi...

pioneer deck guide mono red

6 Good Commanders for decks near 150 USD

6 Good Commanders for decks near 150 USD

Felipe Torres

In this article, I present six commanders that can make great decks near 150 dollars.

commander edh budget

Historic: Rakdos Death's Shadow Deck Tech (Best of One)

Historic: Rakdos Death's Shadow Deck Tech (Best of One)


Temur Battle Rage has arrived at Magic Arena. Could it be the missing piece to bring Death's Shadow ...

rakdos shadow historic

Pauper: Izzet Faeries Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Izzet Faeries Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

Today's analysed deck is Izzet Faeries, which controls the game while taking advantage of the Monar...

izzet faeries deck guide pauper

Pioneer: Modern cards that could fit in the format

Pioneer: Modern cards that could fit in the format


There's been a significant power level boost in Magic in recent years, and many Pioneer staples make...

Pioneer Reprints Modern

Anachronism Review: Epic battles beyond chronology!

Anachronism Review: Epic battles beyond chronology!

Cesar Cusin

Imagine Ramses II against Achilles, or Spartacus against Genghis Khan. This is only possible in Anac...

anachronism review board games

Pauper: Orzhov Pestilence Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Orzhov Pestilence Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Tiago Fuguete

A creature-based Orzhov Pestilence is making more results in the past few weeks. Today, let's talk a...

pauper pestilence deck guide

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