Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Rodrigo William
Check out here in this article the 10 best-rated cards this second semester, this October, about the...
Standard Collectibles
In October 2022, Magic will be celebrating 30 years. In this article, we've put together 30 differen...
Tribes MTG Magic 30
Check out the 10 most expensive Blastoise cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA ...
PSA Blaistoise Top 10
Daniel Cataia
Who said blue was the most annoying color in Magic? Today we'll discuss a Zo-Zu Ponza deck based on ...
Zo-Zu EDH Ponza
Eduardo Silveira
Continuing our analysis of Universes Beyond Warhammer 40,000, we present a suggested deck budget fro...
Warhammer 40k Ultramarines Commander
Despite the flaws in its winconditions and manabase, Dimir Control offers a solid base for players w...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Dimir Control Upgrade
Tiago Fuguete
The “new” Burn has never been so hot, it's one of the most played deck currently, and is extremely p...
Red Aggro Burn Pauper
Check out here the most expensive and collectible cards from Pokémon TCG's Lost Origin expansion.
PokémonTCG Lost Origin List
In this article, we've come up with five reasons for you to start playing Flesh and Blood!
Flesh and Blood Reasons to play
Burt of Paradise
I'll talk a little about my BG Combo deck focused on sacrifices, known as Project X, leaving some ti...
Pauper Project X Deck Guide
Politics and plenty of hippos. In this article, I explain to you how a giant purple hippo with wings...
Phelddagrif Commander Group Hug
Mono Black Midrange was one of Standard's most famous decks, but could it stay competitive without T...
Standard Mono Black Deck Guide
Orzhov Humans is the most focused and well-constructed list among the Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Upgrade Orzhov Humans
Blending classic elements with recent additions, Mono Blue Terror is one of the most Tempo-oriented ...
Pauper Mono Blue Terror Deck Guide
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
With the Domination Expansion we have three new champions for Legends of Runeterra: Varus, Seraphine...
domination expansion lor Darkin
Magic will be starting its 30th anniversary celebration this month. In this article, we'll visit som...
Magic 30 Legends EDH
Check out the 10 most expensive Charizard cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA ...
PSA Charizard Top 10
The Meathook Massacre has been banned from Standard, but will its absence be enough to end the Midra...
Ban Standard Metagame