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Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Tiago Fuguete
Monastery Swiftspear didn't just come to help Burn, in Mono Red Blitz it also helps a lot and the de...
mono red blitz pauper deck guide
Let's break through the 25th season of the cheapest format to play on MTGO and understand the main d...
mtgo penny dreadful metagame budget
Leandro Lopes
This article seeks to solve a great doubt of beginner players and present ways to familiarize themse...
RPG Beginners
Rodrigo William
Meet the deck that became champion at the June 2022 International in the United States, created by A...
Champion International 2022 Standard
We will see the ten most useful cards of the special expansion of Pokémon GO TCG, mainly considering...
pokemonGO tcg competitive
With Burn in ascension, Bogles is one of the best choices in Pauper right now. Find out why and how ...
auras bogles pauper deck guide
In this article, you will see the 10 most valuable cards from Pokémon GO TCG so that you are familia...
cards value pokemonGO tcg
Felipe Torres
The fourth part of my article series, where I elaborate on combos used in Commander and the means to...
edh combos commander
Check out a review on this product to improve your deck with playable cards in this useful deckbuild...
Review toolkit pokeon
Today I present a Tasigur competitive deck without using the reserved list, with plenty of recursion...
cedh taisgur
Get to know more about the latest rotation news and how it was changes specifically for this year, a...
pokémon rotation changes
Elves, Pauper's most loved or hated tribe? Let's talk about its position in the current Metagame, as...
pauper elves deck tech
Capitão Serket
A lot of things happened, and Runeterra will change to the tune of this new Patch. A lot of new deck...
Patch 3.10 Skins Legends of Runeterra
A Double Masters 2022 set review for competitive Commander, exploring its best reprints and how they...
cedh commander review double masters 2022.
In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Fusion Strike!
pokemon tcg cards fusion strike
Double Masters 2022 will definitely bring changes to Pauper — and changes always bring the most vari...
pauper set review double masters
We can finally see all the cards with altered art, borderless and other changes from the Double Mast...
2x2 double masters
Have you ever wondered where the biggest casinos in the world are? As shocking as it may be, Las Veg...
casinos biggest world