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Quiz: What Kind of Game Master you are?

Quiz: What Kind of Game Master you are?


In this quiz, let's see if you are that Master which makes up everything out of nowhere, the evil ma...

master quiz rpg

Virtual RPG: Presenting online resources to beginners

Virtual RPG: Presenting online resources to beginners

Leandro Lopes

In this article, I present some resources that might be useful for RPG players to use on their onlin...

rpg discord d20 virtual

Magic: Speculating on 2022's releases

Magic: Speculating on 2022's releases


A speculative analysis of the main sets that will be released throughout 2022, and a personal critic...

analysis speculation 2022

Pauper Format Panel: Interview with Alexandre Weber

Pauper Format Panel: Interview with Alexandre Weber


An interview with Alexandre Weber, member of the Pauper Format Panel, which will discuss with Wizard...

interview pauper PFP

2022: Free MTGO Tournament Schedule and Where to find them

2022: Free MTGO Tournament Schedule and Where to find them


In today's article, I present an updated schedule of all the free tournaments on MTGO and where to f...

mtgo casual tournament free

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Legacy

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Legacy


Today, I analyze and evaluate 2021's ten most impactful cards for Legacy.

top 10 analysis legacy

Ahri: 5 decks to use and climb with in Legends of Runeterra's Ranked Queue!

Ahri: 5 decks to use and climb with in Legends of Runeterra's Ranked Queue!

Tony Lucas

In this article you will find 5 consistent decks with Magic Misadventures' expansion most versatile ...

Ahri Decklist LoR

COUP Review & Rules - Bluffs, Thefts and Coup d'etat!

COUP Review & Rules - Bluffs, Thefts and Coup d'etat!


Coup is a wonderful game with plenty of bluffs and strategies!

board games tabletop coup

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty's first spoilers

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty's first spoilers


Wizards announced today the first info about the new set, Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, including new basi...

kamigawa knd news spoiler

Modern: Amulet Titan and the Constant Presence

Modern: Amulet Titan and the Constant Presence

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we talk about a deck that has been around in Modern for ages, and a great option for those lo...

modern metagame amulet titan

Rumble and Ahri: First Impressions

Rumble and Ahri: First Impressions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the end of the Spoilers Season for this new Legends of Runeterra expansion, Magic Misadventures...

magic misadventures expansion lor

Commander Deck Tech: Halana and Alena

Commander Deck Tech: Halana and Alena

Eduardo Silveira

This Halana and Alena deck has an aggressive midrange strategy, growing its threats and the board qu...

innistrad halana alena commander

Arena will have new format called Alchemy

Arena will have new format called Alchemy


The new format will rotate like the Standard, but will have exclusive cards with mechanics only poss...

standard arena alchemy

Why You Should Care about Casino Customer Support Services

Why You Should Care about Casino Customer Support Services


Here you will understand why it's important that you care about your customer service representative...

casino gamble

TOP 10 cheapest CS:GO skins to buy in 2022

TOP 10 cheapest CS:GO skins to buy in 2022


We will show you the 10 best cheap CSGO skins that will make even the pickiest player happy

csgo cs

uBlock Origin Not Blocking Twitch ads - 10 best ways [Fix]

uBlock Origin Not Blocking Twitch ads - 10 best ways [Fix]


There is no denying the way that uBlock Origin serves to be one of the most incredible Adblockers on...

twitch adblocker

How to Get the Best Betting Odds Online

How to Get the Best Betting Odds Online


If you are trying to secure the best online betting odds, keep reading to learn more and increase yo...

bet casino

Old School Casino Games You've Never Heard of

Old School Casino Games You've Never Heard of


Here we will show 12 casino old school games that will offer you a taste of the old times

casino old school

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