Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Felipe Torres
A Double Masters 2022 set review for competitive Commander, exploring its best reprints and how they...
cedh commander review double masters 2022.
Tony Lucas
After getting to know the most nerfed champions, it is time to find out who are the balancing team's...
Buffs Curiosities Ranking
Raphael Martinez
We'll talk in detail about the best tempo deck we have on Pioneer, gaining a lot of strength and res...
pioneer spirits deck guide
Jund Midrange is a versatile option in the current Metagame. Find out how this deck works and its ad...
standard jund deck guide
Rodrigo William
In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Fusion Strike!
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João "Paredeebranca"
Meet Premodern, a nostalgic format where you meet old strategies and discover fun and new decks!
premodern format introduction
Cesar Cusin
There are relatively simple missions, like getting food, or just staying alive. However, there is a ...
zombicide review
Get to know Cube Draft for Pauper Commander, with a card list and possibilities to adapt it to Paupe...
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In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Brilliant Stars, and the reasons a...
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It's time to kill your curiosity and find out which champions the Balancing Team doesn't forgive whe...
nerfs curiosities ranking
Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: gu...
PokémonTCG Standart News
The Reserved List has saved Magic in the past, but it might be disturbing its future. Today, we'll s...
Reserved List MTG Opinion
This article brings the history of Pirates, their apparition on Magic's Lore and their presence and...
tribes pirates history
In this article, we mention the ten most valuable cards so far from the set Astral Radiance, along w...
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This article especulates about the arrival of Star Guardians in LoR and the champions who might get ...
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We'll talk in detail about a deck that returns to Pioneer after major additions from the new sets, ...
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Annie's spell has been giving us much to talk about in LoR. This article gathers all the information...
Disintegrate interactions Counters
An analysis on how the new Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate might affect cEDH.
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