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"Be fruitful and multiply": A Legacy Goblins Deck Tech

"Be fruitful and multiply": A Legacy Goblins Deck Tech


"There's always room for one more." - Goblin Matron

decktech Legacy Goblins Competitive

A Guide to Play with Modern Eldrazi Tron

A Guide to Play with Modern Eldrazi Tron


Mateus Fernandes qualified for the Strixhaven Championship on the Modern Super Qualifier, on which h...

Modern Mol Competitive Analysis Tron

Mystical Archives analysis for Historic

Mystical Archives analysis for Historic


On today's article, I show you my analysis of the possible impact of the Mystical Archives for Histo...

Historic Arena Strixhaven Metagame

The Japanese Alternative Arts of StrixHaven's Mystical Archive cards

The Japanese Alternative Arts of StrixHaven's Mystical Archive cards


The Japanese website of Wizards of the Coast revealed the 63 arts that will only be possible to be f...

arena standard strixhaven mystical archive

The Jund of the format  - definitive guide

The Jund of the format - definitive guide

David Royale

Today I bring to you the one and only guide on how to play Jund on pauper + sideboard!

pauper Deck Guide

The history of Phyrexia: The Multiverse's greatest antagonist

The history of Phyrexia: The Multiverse's greatest antagonist


After almost ten years, we have the first sight of a Phyrexian on Magic's Lore. But for what reason ...

Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore

Weekly Metagame - Is Magic Healthy Again ?

Weekly Metagame - Is Magic Healthy Again ?


This week's analysis of the Challanges reveals that many formats are diverse. Is Magic healthy and ...

metagame competitive

Kaladesh Remastered and the Historic

Kaladesh Remastered and the Historic


Kaladesh Remastered comes to Magic Arena on November 12th, bringing some news to Historic!

Historic Competitive Review

The Fiery Cannonade’s Effect In Pauper

The Fiery Cannonade’s Effect In Pauper


Analyzing Fiery Cannonade's impact to Pauper.

Pauper Competitive Metagame Cannonade

10 fun and competitive Pioneer decks that cost up to 10 TIX

10 fun and competitive Pioneer decks that cost up to 10 TIX


Here we have listed 10 decks with approximate cost of 10 TIX that are fun and competitive, so you ma...

pioneer budget

TOP FIVE Artifacts seldomly used in Pauper

TOP FIVE Artifacts seldomly used in Pauper


On today's Top Five we will talk about Artifacts which may see play in some different techs in Paupe...


TOP FIVE common creatures seldomly used in Pauper

TOP FIVE common creatures seldomly used in Pauper


After the Top 10 in the last article, I present this TOP FIVE series, with a little more organizing....


Emrakul and the origin of life in the Multiverse.

Emrakul and the origin of life in the Multiverse.


The Eldrazi are the great mystery of Magic: the Gathering's multiverse, and today I bring a theory w...

lore theory

Zendikar Rising and Pauper Relevance in the New Sets

Zendikar Rising and Pauper Relevance in the New Sets


Zendikar Rising is the proof that Pauper became increasingly relevant when Wizards designs a new set...

Pauper Competitive Review

Pauper Slivers - Deck Sideboard Guide

Pauper Slivers - Deck Sideboard Guide


Hellooo, this is Isa and I'm here to show you a sideboard guide for the Slivers Deck in Pauper!

fractius tech

Budgeting Arena - Temur Elementals, an agressive deck with lots of value!

Budgeting Arena - Temur Elementals, an agressive deck with lots of value!


A tribal deck which is extremely aggressive and which can also ramp mana very quickly


There's no Omelet without Breaking the Eggs

There's no Omelet without Breaking the Eggs


Double Masters brings a new archetype for Pauper

combo pauper competitive myr

Budgeting Arena - Mono Red Aggro: the return of one of the most explosive deck

Budgeting Arena - Mono Red Aggro: the return of one of the most explosive deck


With the release of Core Set 2021, we updated one of the most present decks in all formats: Mono Red...


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