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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Pedro Fernandes
A deck with no legendaries has emerged from Hearthstone's Titan set, and it can be an excellent choi...
decks guide no legendary
Pacto das Guildas
Azorius Spirits is one of the great predators in Pioneer currently. In today's article, I'll analyze...
Pioneer Deckguide SideGuide
Rodrigo William
Keep up with the Wo-Chien deck for Standard, using Forretress ex's ability to energize your Pokémon,...
Standard Wo-Chien Treasures of Ruin
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
August 5th's World Qualifier Runeterra Open is coming soon, and today I bring you a guide on the str...
guide open lor
At the request of my competitive readers, I bring you a definitive guide on Vayne Aatrox, my favorit...
guide lor runeterra standard
Gabriel Almeida
Today's article is about one of the best decks in the Commoner format: Dash. We'll discuss the core ...
guide commoner pauper dash
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play the new version of Unchained, a deck which promises to destroy Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's met...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
There are currently 3 very similar Nasus decks in the meta. In this article we will talk about the m...
In this article, you'll learn how to play with one of the best decks in patch 4.7.0, Jinx and Kennen...
In this article, we'll have a sideboard and a deck guide for Mono-White Humans in Explorer. Learn ho...
explorer Humans mono white deck guide
In this article, you'll have a full recap of this week's Standard Runeterra Royale tournaments, from...
guide review competitive
Death's Shadow has a big cavern Troll! The new version of this classic Dimir deck brings a new direc...
Legacy deck tech Death's Shadow lotr
Igor D. Faria
Unwrapping Mono-Red Aggro in Standard, one of the best decks in the format.
Standard Mono-Red deck tech
Follow the Lapras VMax deck that takes advantage of Blastoise's "Deluge" ability to accumulate as mu...
Expanded Lapras Deck Guide
This article provides an in-depth guide to building and sideboarding with Pauper Moggwarts and more!
pauper mtg moggwarts combo
Cards Realm
A comprehensive guide to the most popular casino card games, including rules, tips, and strategy. Le...
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Juwa Online is the ultimate guide to the best gambling platforms. Find tips and strategies for playi...
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Explore the ultimate guide to the best UK poker sites for real money games. Learn about top platform...
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