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Magic: the Gathering
Legends of Runeterra
Pokemon TCG
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Pedro Braga
Will Phyrexians manage to invade Modern as well? Let's find out on our latest set review for Phyrexi...
Phyrexia Modern Review
Who is Elesh Norn? What are her intentions? What is the purpose of Phyrexia's glory? Learn more abou...
Elesh Norn Phyrexia Lore
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Come revisit the story of one of the most consistent decks in all Legends of Runterra's history. Eve...
curiosities deck tech
The iconic event returns for celebrations!
news yugioh world championship
The subset brings Generation IX starters.
news pokémontcg starters triple beat
Gabriel (Raj)
In this article, we will continue with the reviews of Phyrexia: All Will Be One for the Pioneer form...
Pioneer Phyrexia Review
Dereck Duque Estrada
In this article, we'll look at the cards that could have the biggest impact on the Standard Metagame...
Standard Phyrexia Review
Rodrigo William
Get to know the deck that got second place in Liverpool's Regional, in England. This Pokémon almost ...
PokémonTGC Regional Liverpool HisuianGoodra
Pacto das Guildas
In this article, we'll discuss the most important cards from Phyrexia: All Will be One for Explorer!
Explorer Phyrexia Spoilers Review
In this article, we will evaluate Phyrexia: All Will Be One set in Limited, Draft and Pre-Release, w...
draft limited prerelease phyrexia
This deck got notoriety due to its versatility with card draw and simultaneous charging which Shadow...
PokémonTCG Control AbilityLock Calyrex
In this analysis, we'll see some cards that are going into the format, their potential and where the...
Magic Pauper
Get to know the deck from the champion Gibson Archer-Tang, Vikavolt & Aerodactyl VStar, used in the ...
PokémonTCG Aerodactyl Vikavolt
How likely is Phyrexia's advancement to impact Legacy this time around? In this article, we are goin...
legacy review phyrexia
Tony Lucas
Find out which cards are unbalanced and need to be contained in Marvel Snap!
nerfs balancing competitive
This is my bet on which decks will dominate LoR's next Seasonal, the World-Ender Seasonal! The tourn...
competitive seasonal lor lineups
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll analyze the 3 new archetypes from the new set, Amazing Defenders, and their...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Review
Let's test out the new Phyrexia card in a deck that never saw much play in Pioneer, but it just migh...
spoiler mono-white devotion pioneer