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Quiz: How well do you know League of Legends?

Quiz: How well do you know League of Legends?


Do you think you know League of Legends well? Then take this quiz and test your knowledge.

leagueoflegends quiz know test

Legacy Set Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate

Legacy Set Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate

Mestre PedroK

This article gathers speculation about the main cards of Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate...

legacy review commander legends

Pauper Set Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate

Pauper Set Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate


In today's article, I present my review of Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate for Pauper!

pauper review commander legends

AD Carry Quiz: Which is the best champion for you?

AD Carry Quiz: Which is the best champion for you?


The perfect quiz for your AD Carry mains or new players. Get to know which champion fits your style ...

quiz adc league of legends lane champion

Pauper EDH Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate

Pauper EDH Review - Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate


The new Commander Legends brought some exciting additions to Pauper Commander!


Altered art: All Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate alter cards

Altered art: All Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate alter cards


We can finally see all cards with altered art or in anime style form from the Commander Legends: Bat...

clb alter

TOP Lane Quiz: What's the best champion for you in League of Legends?

TOP Lane Quiz: What's the best champion for you in League of Legends?


Are you a Top Laner or are you thinking about star playing in this lane? Then take this quick quiz t...

quiz toplane top champion

Hearthstone: Cards that will be missed in 2022

Hearthstone: Cards that will be missed in 2022

Pedro Fernandes

In today's article, we will bring the Hearthstone rotation, where the 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) car...

standard voyage to the sunkey city legend

6 fundamental tips for playing Hearthstone 2022

6 fundamental tips for playing Hearthstone 2022

Pedro Fernandes

In today's article, I'll bring you some tips that many beginners, and even veterans, don't know abou...

tips hs decks hs arcane dus legend hs

Onyxia's Lair: The 4 Top Decks to Get to Legend

Onyxia's Lair: The 4 Top Decks to Get to Legend

Pedro Fernandes

The metagame has changed a lot with the new mini-set in Hearthstone. See the 4 decks that are bringi...

standard Legend topdecks

Deck Guide: Druid Aggro – Quick and easy wins!

Deck Guide: Druid Aggro – Quick and easy wins!

Pedro Fernandes

The Druid has been standing out as a great aggressive class. Today you will see tips, game posture a...

top deck aggro druid standard legend

Ahri: 5 decks to use and climb with in Legends of Runeterra's Ranked Queue!

Ahri: 5 decks to use and climb with in Legends of Runeterra's Ranked Queue!

Tony Lucas

In this article you will find 5 consistent decks with Magic Misadventures' expansion most versatile ...

Ahri Decklist LoR

Quiz: which legend would you be in Innistrad: Crimson Vow?

Quiz: which legend would you be in Innistrad: Crimson Vow?


There are 20 legendary creatures in Innistrad: Crimson Vow. Tell us how you plan to play the next St...

vow standard lore

Future Predictions for Victorious Skins in Legends of Runeterra

Future Predictions for Victorious Skins in Legends of Runeterra


Riot Games, with their great experience in the gaming business, knows more than anyone the importanc...

skins predictions limited victorious

How Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Legends of Runeterra

How Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Legends of Runeterra


In this article, we will discuss how the randomness present in Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Ru...

Runeterra competitive bandlewood

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra

Riot nerfs cards to rebalance predominant decks in Legends of Runeterra


The patch, which will go live on Wednesday, brings nerfs to cards commonly used in decks like Azir/I...

news nerf patch lor

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes


In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...

archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo

How do the Multi-region cards work in Legends of Runeterra

How do the Multi-region cards work in Legends of Runeterra

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the launch of multi-region cards, a lot of players have questions about which cards can be used...

BandleCity Multi-region LoR Expansion

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