Magic: the Gathering
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In today's article, we delve into the Grixis variant of Arclight Phoenix decks, which gained popular...
Pioneer Grixis Phoenix Deck Guide
Ever since Legacy is Legacy, some crazy players have played a deck focused on lands. Due to the huge...
Legacy lands deck tech
In today's article, we explore Gruul Stompy, an aggressive deck focused on low-cost threats and pump...
Standard Gruul Stompy Deck Guide
In today's article, we delve into Rakdos Discover, the newest variant of Midrange decks in Standard,...
Standard Rakdos Discover Deck Guide
Rodrigo William
Check out the powerful Centiskorch VMax, from old Darkness Ablaze. It recently got a powerful ally f...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Centiskorch Fire Type
Nat Almeida
Find out more about Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher, a powerful Vampire that dominates everyone and is read...
deckguide commander orzhov vampires
Pedro Braga
In this article, we'll unlock the power of Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might. We'll summon creatures that d...
commander decktech Ixalan
Check out the Iron Valiant ex deck, from Paradox Rift. Decidueye ex comes with backup to provide sup...
Pokémon TCG Standard Paradox Rift
There is only one Me! Our deck tech focused on Me, the Immortal is available to help you bring the p...
commander decktech doctor who
Simic Infect is a deck that has roamed the Legacy metagame ever since the Scars of Mirrodin block br...
Legacy infect deck tech
In today's article, we present a guide to Pioneer's new combo deck, Abzan Amalia, as well as evaluat...
Pioneer Amalia Combo Deck Guide
Check out the Kindgra Paradox Rift deck, which can deal up to 360 damage if the top six discarded ca...
Pokémon TCG Water Type Kingdra
Check out this list with Klawf, a new card from Paradox Rift. It focuses on the mechanic of dealing ...
PokémonTCG Economical Deck Paradox Rift
Closing our activities in Eldraine, we present Greta, Sweettooth Scourge, a fun commander to be play...
commander decktech EDH
A new modality has arrived at Magic Arena: Timeless, where all cards already released on the platfor...
Timeless Mono Red Budget
In this Deck Tech, we bring an important character from Jurassic Park - Henry Wu, InGen Geneticist, ...
edh deck tech commander
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play Exosister, a "cheap" deck that can counter the meta through its "anti-graveyard" m...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Exosister
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I bring one of the most fun Control deck options available in Standard: Bant Con...
Standard DeckTech Sideguide