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Lost Origin: Top 10 most valuable cards from the expansion

Lost Origin: Top 10 most valuable cards from the expansion

Rodrigo William

Check out here the most expensive and collectible cards from Pokémon TCG's Lost Origin expansion.

PokémonTCG Lost Origin List

Standard Deck Tech: Rotom V - Massive Damage, Discard & Tools!

Standard Deck Tech: Rotom V - Massive Damage, Discard & Tools!

Rodrigo William

Meet Rotom V, a Pokémon that can hit up to 720 damage at its fullest, discarding tools from the disc...

Standard Deck Tech Rotom

Pokémon TCG New Products: Charizard Premium Box and more!

Pokémon TCG New Products: Charizard Premium Box and more!

Rodrigo William

Follow the October releases of Pokémon products here and preview what's coming in November, with new...

pokémontcg new products

Standard Deck Tech: Raikou Amazing Rare + Lost Zone Turbo

Standard Deck Tech: Raikou Amazing Rare + Lost Zone Turbo

Rodrigo William

Discover the power-up versatility of the Mirage Gate for another Amazing Rare Pokémon that can use i...

Standard Raikou Lost Zone

Regidrago VStar Spoiler: Synergy and Combos for a Standard Deck

Regidrago VStar Spoiler: Synergy and Combos for a Standard Deck

Rodrigo William

Discover the possibilities with Regidrago VStar, a card that will show up in the Silver Tempest expa...

Standard Preview Regidrago VStar

Silver Tempest: Spoilers and Lore of the last Sword/Shield Expansion

Silver Tempest: Spoilers and Lore of the last Sword/Shield Expansion

Rodrigo William

In this article, we will detail what information we have with the Japanese data of the eastern expan...

Standard Review Silver Tempest

Standard Deck Tech: Dewgong - Cheap deck with strong damage

Standard Deck Tech: Dewgong - Cheap deck with strong damage

Rodrigo William

Meet Dewgong, a cheap Single Prize deck that can deal up to 440 damage!

Standard Dewgong

Top 10 most expensive Charizard cards by PSA.

Top 10 most expensive Charizard cards by PSA.

Rodrigo William

Check out the 10 most expensive Charizard cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA ...

PSA Charizard Top 10

Standard Deck Tech: Kyurem VMax - The Glacial Power

Standard Deck Tech: Kyurem VMax - The Glacial Power

Rodrigo William

Meet one of the water decks that can be interesting for the current format with high resources aimed...

standard Kyurem Deck tech

Top 10 most expensive Venusaur cards by PSA

Top 10 most expensive Venusaur cards by PSA

Rodrigo William

Check out the 10 most expensive Venusaur cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA 1...

PSA Most expensive Venusaur

Standard Deck Tech: Empoleon V + Hisuian Goodra - The Anti-Meta

Standard Deck Tech: Empoleon V + Hisuian Goodra - The Anti-Meta

Rodrigo William

Meet Empoleon V, from Battle Styles, combined with Hisuian Goodra "baby" from Lost Origin, inhibitin...

PokémonTCG Standard Empoleon

Standard Deck Tech: Zacian V & Zamazenta V + Hisuian Goodra

Standard Deck Tech: Zacian V & Zamazenta V + Hisuian Goodra

Rodrigo William

Get to know the metallic wall of the Galarian Wolves alongside Hisuian Goodra, generating tons os va...

Standard Galarian Wolfs

Zoe Leona Aurelion Sol Deck Tech - Perfect for you to climb the ladder!

Zoe Leona Aurelion Sol Deck Tech - Perfect for you to climb the ladder!

Rodrigo Lima "Katsuo"

Get to know the Leona Aurelion Sol list, a match that came to with the latest Daybreak buffs and tha...

Leona Aurelion Sol Targon Daybreak Invoki

Standard Deck tech: Clefairy & Wyrdeer V - A Cheap Deck with huge damage!

Standard Deck tech: Clefairy & Wyrdeer V - A Cheap Deck with huge damage!

Rodrigo William

Meet Clefairy's cheap deck with damage stacking for every psychic energy attached in the entire boar...

Standard Clefairy Wyrderr

Standard Deck Tech: Dragapult VMax + Sableye

Standard Deck Tech: Dragapult VMax + Sableye

Rodrigo William

Meet the rework of Dragapult VMax with the release of Sableye from Lost Origin, which modified the d...

Standard Dragapult Sableye

Standard Deck Tech: Aerodactyl VStar - Flexibility in Damage and Strategy!

Standard Deck Tech: Aerodactyl VStar - Flexibility in Damage and Strategy!

Rodrigo William

Versatile and responsive Aerodactyl VStar deck with its multiple facets of direct damage and spreads...

Standard Aerodactyl

How to get free CS:GO skins?

How to get free CS:GO skins?


Do you want to get some free CS:GO skins? Read this article to examine the best method to do that, a...

skins free csgo

MillionPugs startup is going to change the gaming industry

MillionPugs startup is going to change the gaming industry


MillionPugs has recently been launched, but it has already started to revolutionize the gaming indus...

industry startup change

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