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Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!

Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!


An analysis of which cards might get banned from the competitive formats on the next Banned and Rest...

analysis ban competitive

Alchemy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide: Orzhov Midrange

Alchemy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide: Orzhov Midrange


In today's article, we explore the Mana Fox team's choice for the Mythic Championship Qualifier, wit...

alchemy arena deck tech

Pioneer Deck Tech: Dimir Rogues

Pioneer Deck Tech: Dimir Rogues


In today's article, I analyze Pioneer's Dimir Rogues, played by SeventhProphet to reach Top 4 on las...

rogues dimir pioneer deck tech

Commander Deck Tech: Kaalia of the Vast - Life Exchange

Commander Deck Tech: Kaalia of the Vast - Life Exchange

Vinicius Sorin

Today, I bring a less known version of one of the format's most emblematic and popular Commanders: K...

commander deck tech

Pioneer: Grixis Lurrus and Deckbuilding Process

Pioneer: Grixis Lurrus and Deckbuilding Process


In today's article, I present some deckbuilding process and card choices exercise through the lens o...

pioneer grixis deck tech deckbuilding

Deck Guide: Quest Warrior - The Meta's Best Deck

Deck Guide: Quest Warrior - The Meta's Best Deck

Pedro Fernandes

The Quest Warrior has been dominating ranked for months, and it's one of the best choices for anyone...

standard quest warrior hs deck guide

cEDH Deck Guide: Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper & Kraum, Ludevic's Opus

cEDH Deck Guide: Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper & Kraum, Ludevic's Opus

Felipe Torres

This article brings an Ikra Shidiqi & Kraum deck, a turbo strategy with plenty of tools to keep itse...

cEDH commander deck tech

Modern Deck: Jeskai Control, Momentum and Reactivity

Modern Deck: Jeskai Control, Momentum and Reactivity

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll analyze Jeskai Control's capacity to always adapt to the Metagame, running recent and ...

modern mtg competitive

Flashback: Summarized Lore of Kamigawa

Flashback: Summarized Lore of Kamigawa

Vinicius Sorin

With Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty right around the corner, let's travel back in time and remember what hap...

lore kamigawa set story

Pauper Format Panel: Interview with Alexandre Weber

Pauper Format Panel: Interview with Alexandre Weber


An interview with Alexandre Weber, member of the Pauper Format Panel, which will discuss with Wizard...

interview pauper PFP

Imagine Review: A Game to test your creativity

Imagine Review: A Game to test your creativity

Cesar Cusin

In Imagine, you receive a clue, check your cards and needs to decipher the Enigma!

imagine creativity review

Modern: The Ascencion of Multicolored Decks

Modern: The Ascencion of Multicolored Decks

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll talk about some new multicolored decks that appeared in Modern recently, analyzing what...

modern metagame 4 color omnath

Commander: The format's origins and how it succeeded

Commander: The format's origins and how it succeeded

Vinicius Sorin

Today, I elaborate how Commander became Magic: The Gathering's most played format and how it all sta...

commander opinion

Top 10 best 2021 decks for Pioneer

Top 10 best 2021 decks for Pioneer

Thiago Fogaça

A flashback of Pioneer's metagame in 2021 and its ten most-played decks throughout the year!

pioneer decks top 10

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Legacy

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Legacy


Today, I analyze and evaluate 2021's ten most impactful cards for Legacy.

top 10 analysis legacy

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Pioneer

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Pioneer


In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or cards cycle) that had the most impact in Pioneer on ...

pioneer top 10 2021

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Standard

Top Ten 2021 Cards for Standard


In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or card cycle) from 2021 which I consider to be the mos...

top 10 standard 2021.

The Top Ten 2021 Cards for cEDH

The Top Ten 2021 Cards for cEDH

Felipe Torres

Today I analize the best cards released this year for cEDH and their impact on the Metagame.

top 10 cEDh EDH Commander

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