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Magic: the Gathering
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One Piece TCG
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Jund Midrange is a versatile option in the current Metagame. Find out how this deck works and its ad...
standard jund deck guide
Capitão Serket
This is the list in which Ezreal finally shines. The best removals are here. Do you like to play rea...
Competitive Reactive Annie Ezreal Removal
Renato Castro
Ground? LARP? Hexcrawl?! RPG is much more than meets the eye and in this article you will discover 9...
RPG hexcrawl solo LARP
Izzet Murktide is Modern's current best deck, but it's also challenging to play it masterfully, as i...
modern murktide deck guide
Cesar Cusin
There are relatively simple missions, like getting food, or just staying alive. However, there is a ...
zombicide review
Tiago Fuguete
Boros Bully has been making great results lately. Today, let's delve deeper into it and find out wha...
pauper boros deck tech
Gruul Transmogrify has recently appeared in Pioneer's Leagues and Challenges, does it have a chance ...
explorer deck tech gruul combo
The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...
competitive Combo Ionia Piltover
White Weenie has been doing good results, let's explore why and find out where its strength in Paupe...
pauper white weenie deck tech
Raphael Martinez
We'll talk in detail about a deck that returns to Pioneer after major additions from the new sets, ...
pioneer mono green deck tech sideboard
Sion/Rumble is a Midrange list which can deal easily with control lists. So, if removal is popular, ...
competitive Mechas Midrange
Felipe Torres
This article brings a midrange Kess, Dissident Mage decklist without Reserved List cards.
edh cedh
Mardu Greasefang is the deck that demonstrates the best results in Explorer's competitive landscape ...
mardu explorer deck tech
GP/TF tempo deck is a list that shows up since the beginning of the game, great players dominate thi...
tempo removals pirates
Today, we'll analyze Gruul Ponza in Pauper and how this deck is thriving in a Metagame filled with i...
pauper ld ponza gruul deck tech
In this guide, we'll see how to build a PDH deck from scratch, so you can play in your own style, wi...
deckbuilding pauper commander pdh
Let's get into one of the most consistent lists in Legends of Runeterra, powerful competitively and ...
Midrange Consistent Competitive
Tony Lucas
A guide on how to play Taliyah Ziggs, the list is focused on landmarks and their destruction. I will...
Competitive Deck Tech Landmarks