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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with Mikanko, the winning deck from YCS Santa Cruz de la Sierra 2023, which can pl...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Mikanko
In today's Deck Tech, we'll show an unusually fun version of Omnath, Locus of Creation!
omnath edh commander deck tech
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, is this the most explosive deck of all? The good old Storm deck (Ad Nau...
Legacy storm beseech tech
Nat Almeida
Are you ready to meet the power of Ixalan's Vampires and Demons? Check out this upgraded list of the...
commander decktech upgrade vampires ixala
Rodrigo William
Check out this list from Sacramento (California, USA) Regional's Runner-Up, Niccolo Abate - who surp...
TCG Regional 2ndPlace Gyarados Water
Check out 12 decklists for the Expanded format with the Kanto starter trio. There are 4 list example...
Kanto Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Expanded
In this article, you'll meet the powerful Exodia deck, one of the most iconic monsters in the Yu-Gi-...
Yu-Gi-Oh!TCG Deck Tech Exodia
Check out an update to Kecleon from Sword & Shield: Chilling Reign. The new special Scarlet & Violet...
TCG Standard Kecleon Kabutops 151 Upgrad
Check out how Spidops ex became valuable with Venomoth's (from the 151 set) attack, which makes the ...
tcg Standard Control Item Lock Scarlet Vi
Check out a deck that uses the "tanker" strategy, that means, you'll play a Pokémon with the highest...
TCG Standard Kanto Wigglytuff Tanker
Learn how to play with Rescue-Ace Diabellstar, one of the main candidates for the title of best deck...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
In today's article, we'll use the Companion Zirda, the Dawnwaker in a deck with only permanents with...
edh commander companion deck tech
Pacto das Guildas
Mono-Green Tron is one of the best decks in Modern, and it got a lot of spotlight in July this year ...
modern decktech sideguide
Dereck Duque Estrada
In this article, we'll explain everything about Simic Cauldron: how the combo works, ways you can cl...
Standard Deck Tech WOE
Check out Arbok ex, released in the "151" special sub set. The strategy consists in yanking cards ou...
tcg arbok kanto standard control
Fernando "Finkel"
In this article, let's explore this incredibly synergistic and interesting deck in the Simic color c...
edh deckguide UGFood
Merging efficient creatures with the classic Azorius Control shell, Azorius Flash is an excellent Te...
Azorius Flash Pioneer Guide
In today's Deck Tech, we'll showcase Imodane, the Pyrohammer in a respectable Mono Red Burn deck!
edh deck tech commander