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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Pedro Braga
In this deck tech, we'll explore a budget approach to this Purple and Yellow leader from OP-04, Croc...
decktech onepiece
In today's Deck Tech, we have Averna, the Chaos Bloom in a Cascade deck with exile interactions!
edh averna deck tech cascade commander
In today's Deck Tech, we brought an Ellie and Alan, Paleontologists deck, with Cycling and Discover,...
edh commander ellie and alan deck tech
In today's article, we explore Esper Mentor, a Tempo deck that uses reanimation effects and cheap sp...
Standard Esper Mentor Deck Guide
Rodrigo William
Check out three list suggestions using Beedrill, from the Scarlet & Violet: 151 set, using the strat...
Pokémon TCG Poison Paralisys Beedrill NoHands
In today's deck tech, we'll discuss Ayula, Queen Among Bears in this very fun Bear typal deck!
edh deck tech ayula
Check out list suggestions using the Paldea starters in their final versions with the "ex" mechanic ...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Paldea starters
Marcos Sobral
Enjoy the return of Orcust Harp Horror and come learn how to play with a nostalgic deck from the "20...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Orcust
In today's article, we'll show you a deck featuring giant robots with Ultra Magnus, Tactician as the...
transformers ultra magnus deck tech edh
Check out decklist suggestions using the Galar starters in their VMax forms, exploring new possibili...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Galar Initials
In today's article, we delve deeper into Mono White Poison, a deck that stood out in the Standard Qu...
Standard Toxic Deck Guide
In today's Deck Tech, we have one of the most iconic Magic: The Gathering villains - Nicol Bolas, th...
nicol bolas edh commander deck tech
Check out Kristian Hodas' deck, fourth place at the Stuttgart Regional in Germany! Its strategy with...
Regional Stuttgart Paradox Rift Lost Box
In today's article, we delve into the Grixis variant of Arclight Phoenix decks, which gained popular...
Pioneer Grixis Phoenix Deck Guide
Ever since Legacy is Legacy, some crazy players have played a deck focused on lands. Due to the huge...
Legacy lands deck tech
In today's article, we explore Gruul Stompy, an aggressive deck focused on low-cost threats and pump...
Standard Gruul Stompy Deck Guide
In today's article, we delve into Rakdos Discover, the newest variant of Midrange decks in Standard,...
Standard Rakdos Discover Deck Guide
Check out the powerful Centiskorch VMax, from old Darkness Ablaze. It recently got a powerful ally f...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Centiskorch Fire Type