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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Magic: The Gathering's most famous monkey has arrived in Historic Brawl! In this article, we evaluat...
Ragavan Historic Brawl Deck Guide
Rodrigo William
We have Lugia VStar as a Support Pokémon, and Tyranitar V has become an excellent attacker against P...
PokémonTCG Lugia Tyranitar Standard
Eduardo Silveira
A review of March of the Machine's Commander deck, Cavalry Charge, alongside a guide on how to upgra...
EDH CavalryCharge Upgrades Commander
The outstanding partnership has returned, bringing five more exclusive designs for playmats, all mad...
news playmat art mtg illustration
Get to know about Miraidon ex, one of the favorite decks in the current Metagame, due to its electri...
PokémonTCG Miraidon Electric
Pacto das Guildas
March of the Machine has arrived, and it has revealed many cards with potential for Standard. In tod...
Standard Decklists MOM Arena
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll tell my story of how I got to Top 16 in the Runeterra Open April 15th and 16th...
report open meta competitive
Rafael de Melo
In today's article we're going to elaborate on the new Assassin, Uzuri, how to play with it, its mec...
Uzuri Flesh and Blood Blitz FaB
Gabriel Almeida
A review and upgrade guide from March of the Machine's Divine Convocation precon deck, featuring the...
Upgrade Commander Divine Convocation Kasla
In this article, you'll learn everything about the Runeterra Open competitive meta for this weekend,...
guide lineup competitive open
Tony Lucas
For the first time, I reached the highest Marvel Snap ranking, and I'm going to share the decks I us...
Competitive Marvel Snap Infinite Rank
This 001/500 serial has just been found as March of the Machine packs, boxes, kits and cards start b...
news ragavan march of the machine mtg mar
An informative article outlining the costs associated with traveling to Florida, such as airfare, lo...
florida travel
Cards Realm
A concise guide to help players of Counter Strike: Global Offensive become expert traders of in-game...
csgo trading tips
Gambling at casinos requires consideration of ethical issues such as responsible gaming, age restric...
gamble ethic moral
This article will explain the main positive impacts that online gambling has on Australian society.
impact gambling life
This article is about the best online casinos. It will give an introduction to their legality and se...
casinos australia best
A search on the Internet yields a number of lists of countries where gambling is most common, with A...
gambler famous australia