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Modern: Assault Loam and Boseiju's arrival

Modern: Assault Loam and Boseiju's arrival

Gabriel Nunes

In this article, we will see how the use of channel lands can affect a format, giving spotlight to a...

modern kamigawa competitive

Modern: 10 New Decks with Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Modern: 10 New Decks with Kamigawa Neon Dynasty

Gabriel Nunes

Today we'll present ten Modern decks with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty cards, which has just arrived and a...

Kamigawa decks modern

Modern: Analyzing the New UW Affinity

Modern: Analyzing the New UW Affinity

Gabriel Nunes

Today let's analyze Affinity's new version, known as 8-Cast, which although bears the same mechanics...

affinity modern competitive

Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!

Banned and Restricted: My Speculations for the next Announcement!


An analysis of which cards might get banned from the competitive formats on the next Banned and Rest...

analysis ban competitive

Modern Deck: Jeskai Control, Momentum and Reactivity

Modern Deck: Jeskai Control, Momentum and Reactivity

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll analyze Jeskai Control's capacity to always adapt to the Metagame, running recent and ...

modern mtg competitive

Children of EDH: Commander and its Variants

Children of EDH: Commander and its Variants

Vinicius Sorin

Commander is a format with many variations, each of them with a different focus, creating an environ...

commander edh competitive multiplayer

Pauper Format Panel: Interview with Alexandre Weber

Pauper Format Panel: Interview with Alexandre Weber


An interview with Alexandre Weber, member of the Pauper Format Panel, which will discuss with Wizard...

interview pauper PFP

Imagine Review: A Game to test your creativity

Imagine Review: A Game to test your creativity

Cesar Cusin

In Imagine, you receive a clue, check your cards and needs to decipher the Enigma!

imagine creativity review

Is it worth playing Hearthstone in 2022?

Is it worth playing Hearthstone in 2022?

Pedro Fernandes

Recently, Hearthstone has innovated bringing new features for the best experience, in addition to ot...

hs 2022 introduction

Commander: The format's origins and how it succeeded

Commander: The format's origins and how it succeeded

Vinicius Sorin

Today, I elaborate how Commander became Magic: The Gathering's most played format and how it all sta...

commander opinion

Commander Deck Tech: Satoru Umezawa, Infinite Ninjutsu

Commander Deck Tech: Satoru Umezawa, Infinite Ninjutsu

Vinicius Sorin

Today I bring a ninjutsu combo deck with Kamigawa Neon Dinasty's new legendary creature: Satoru Umez...

commander edh deck tech neon

New Management for MTGO: Wizards announces partnership with Daybreak Games

New Management for MTGO: Wizards announces partnership with Daybreak Games


Starting in 2022, Daybreak Games will be on charge of Magic Online's development and publishing. The...

news mtgo daybreak wizards

Pauper: Rakdos Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Rakdos Affinity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Let's talk about the new improved version of Rakdos Affinity with the new Crimson Vow additions, and...

pauper affinity sideboard guide

Alchemy: Decklists for the new digital format

Alchemy: Decklists for the new digital format

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings decklists for Magic Arena's new format, Alchemy, along with a brief explanation ...

alchemy decklists

Video Gaming and Benefits for GamStop Players

Video Gaming and Benefits for GamStop Players


Video gaming developers offer some of the most sophisticated programs with 3D animations and very fe...

casino games

Are There Any Poker Sites Not On GamStop?

Are There Any Poker Sites Not On GamStop?


Let's check the pros and cons of the gambling platform GamStop

gambling casino website

All Kamigawa Neon Dynasty cards with anime or altered art

All Kamigawa Neon Dynasty cards with anime or altered art


We can finally see all cards with altered art or in anime style form from the Kamigawa Neon Dynasty ...

arter art art alter

uBlock Origin Not Blocking Twitch ads - 10 best ways [Fix]

uBlock Origin Not Blocking Twitch ads - 10 best ways [Fix]


There is no denying the way that uBlock Origin serves to be one of the most incredible Adblockers on...

twitch adblocker

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