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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Rodrigo William
Meet the Yveltal Control deck that was in the top 8 at the LAIC of 2022.2 in Brazil, built by Sande...
PokémonTCg LAIC Yveltal
Gabriel Almeida
Today we'll talk a bit about the best mono-colored commanders, for those that do not want to worry a...
commander edh
Discover the deck of the 2022.2 Latin American International (LAIC) champion, Lugia VStar + Archeops...
Pokémon Lugia LAIC
Daniel Cataia
In this article, I'll present an incredibly fun Commander based on the bottom of your deck for casua...
Commander Grenzo Deck Tech
Meet the Mewtwo & Mew Tag Team-GX deck with Silver Tempest's Unown-VStar that enhanced the archetype...
Mewtwo Expanded Deck tech
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...
Fab Commoner Staples
Get to know the Charizard VMax and Reshiram & Charizard Tag Team deck for the expanded format, which...
Expanded PokemonTCG Charizard
Pedro Fernandes
En el artículo de hoy os traigo los mazos principales para que aprovechéis al máximo la nueva expans...
decks hs lenda standard
In this article, I will list the main existing Legends of Runeterra competitive tourneys and all the...
competitive tourneys worlds
Cynthia Proença
A review of how Dynasty has impacted each class and which archetypes it has established in the game.
Flesh and Blood Dynasty Review
Pacto das Guildas
The Brothers' War brought a new strong tribal deck to Standard, Azorius Soldiers! Today, we dissect ...
Standard Sideboard Guide Soldiers
Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...
Decks Hearthstone Standard
Get to know a Venusar-VMax Celebi & Venusaur Tag Team deck build for the expanded format, which take...
expanded PokemonTCG Venusaur
Roger Schola
Today, we'll take a look at a new Standard deck which have appeared upon The Brothers' War release, ...
The Brothers' War Standard Deck Guide
Marcos Sobral
In this article you will be able to check out our tips for those who want to learn how to play Yu-Gi...
Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
Get to know a Blastoise VMax and Blastoise & Piplup Tag Team deck build for the expanded format, whi...
Expanded PokemonTCG Blastoise
Here are some proven tips that helps in improving the chance and one may play longer.
money classes roulette
Learn how you can keep yourself secure while playing online games. What is the best thing that you s...
secure esports gaming