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The Pauper set Review: Murders at Karlov Manor explores the gripping new addition to the best format...
pauper set review meta
In today's article, we present the ten best cards and reprints from The List and Special Guests from...
Timeless MKM Review
In today's article, we evaluate the seven best cards from the new expansion, Murders at Karlov Manor...
Modern Review MKM
Take a look: another Hatebear that has potential for Legacy! Let's analyze this new Doorkeeper that ...
Legacy karlov thrull
Rodolfo Nogueira
Murders at Karlov Manor, in addition to bringing new cards, brought new mechanics and even the retur...
mtg MKM mechanic
Murders at Karlov Manor introduces four new Commander decks: Deadly Disguise (White, Green, and Red)...
karlov tcg commander
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, following the Murders at Karlov Manor's spoiler season, I'll discuss two cards t...
Pauper MKM MTGKarlov
In today's article, we evaluate the potential of Delney, Streetwise Lookout in Standard and Pioneer,...
Spoiler Standard Pioneer:Karlov
The first day of Murders at Karlov Manor previews brought one of the best two-mana counterspells Sta...
Karlov Spoiler Pioneer Standard
Murders at Karlov Manor undergoes changes to its Play Boosters, check the value of the box and modif...
mtg karlov booster box
Mark Rosewater's Murders at Karlov Manor Teaser includes some details on hints at elements of the se...
t2 magic mark maro