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Command Fest: 7 Tips for Preparing for Large Magic Events

Command Fest: 7 Tips for Preparing for Large Magic Events


In this article, we've put together seven tips on how to prepare for and handle large Magic: The Gat...

CommandFest Magic Events

Hearthstone Community Bands Together To Get Maximum Value Out Of New Expansion

Hearthstone Community Bands Together To Get Maximum Value Out Of New Expansion


With the new set coming, everyone has their eyes set on extra packs!

news hearthstone new set titans

Review - Final Fantasy XVI: The Epic Fable that Redefines the Franchise

Review - Final Fantasy XVI: The Epic Fable that Redefines the Franchise


Controversial, Final Fantasy XVI helps redefine what Final Fantasy means, and becomes the title the ...

Review Final Fantasy XVI

Modern - Lord of the Ring: Tales of Middle-earth's First Week

Modern - Lord of the Ring: Tales of Middle-earth's First Week


In this article, we highlight the main Lord of the Rings cards that appeared in this weekend's big M...

Modern Metagame LotR

Pioneer: Grixis Archfiend - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Grixis Archfiend - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


In today's article, we present a guide to Pioneer's new combo deck, Grixis Archfiend!

Pioneer Deck Guide Archfiend Combo

Review: Final Fantasy XVI demo showcases the new title's potential!

Review: Final Fantasy XVI demo showcases the new title's potential!


With two hours of the main story and an extra chapter, the Final Fantasy XVI demo presents the begin...

Demo Review Final Fantasy XVI

Modern Set Review - The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth

Modern Set Review - The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth


In today's article, I present my set review with the main cards of Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middl...

Modern Review LotR

What is Roping and how to defend yourself against it in LoR!

What is Roping and how to defend yourself against it in LoR!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Roping players are going up in numbers! In this article, I'll teach you what is Roping and how to de...

guide humor roping

Pauper Set Review: The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth

Pauper Set Review: The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth


The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is upon us! In this article, we evaluate the main cards...

Pauper LotR Review

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Jumpstart Booster & Starter Kit Contents

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Jumpstart Booster & Starter Kit Contents


Check out here the full list of contents for the Jumpstart Boosters, and the decklists for the Start...

news lord of the rings jumpstart starter k

Expanded Deck Tech: Rowlet + Alolan Exeggutor TT-GX + Vileplume (Control Lock)

Expanded Deck Tech: Rowlet + Alolan Exeggutor TT-GX + Vileplume (Control Lock)

Rodrigo William

Meet this deck capable of blocking your opponents' items and basic Pokémon, with the combination of ...

PokémonTCG Vileplume Lock Control

Explorer: Grixis Archfiend Alteration - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Grixis Archfiend Alteration - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


The Archfiend Alteration is a new archetype that appeared this weekend, at the Regional Championship...

Archfiend Alteration Explorer Deck Guide

Spoiler Highlight: Orcish Bowmasters in Modern

Spoiler Highlight: Orcish Bowmasters in Modern


Orcish Bowmasters has the potential to change Modern's Metagame. In today's article, we analyze the ...

Orcish Bowmasters Modern Review

Spoiler Highlight: Lord of the Rings' Legendary Lands in Modern

Spoiler Highlight: Lord of the Rings' Legendary Lands in Modern


Lord of the Rings: Tales of the Middle-Earth brings a new cycle of legendary lands to Modern. In thi...

Modern Highlight LOTR

Standard: The Winners & Losers of the new Banlist

Standard: The Winners & Losers of the new Banlist


In today's article, we evaluate which decks win and lose with Standard's new banlist update!

Banlist Standard Metagame

Pioneer: Boros Convoke - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Boros Convoke - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Boros Convoke was Pioneer's big trend this week. In today's article, we analyze the deck and present...

Boros Convoke Deck Guide Pioneer

The huge DY Patil Stadium

The huge DY Patil Stadium

Cards Realm

The DY Patil Stadium is one of the largest sports stadiums in India. It is located in Navi Mumbai an...

cricket stadium sport football competition

For gamblers from gamers: the most expected games of summer 2023

For gamblers from gamers: the most expected games of summer 2023

Cards Realm

Find out what novelties from the world of video games may be of interest to gamblers.

cards games online game betting gamblers sim

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