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Mark Rosewater releases teaser for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan

Mark Rosewater releases teaser for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan

Rodolfo Nogueira

Teaser for Mark Rosewater's The Lost Caverns of Ixalan includes some details on new card rules, inte...

magic maro mtg Ixalan

MTG and Universes Beyonds Fallout: Commanders, Decks, Cards and Release Date!

MTG and Universes Beyonds Fallout: Commanders, Decks, Cards and Release Date!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Now, with an official release date, cards revealed, and pre-sale of the decks, Wizards shows, for th...

fallout mtg magic

MTG Universes Beyond: Fallout Commander - Release Date and Details

MTG Universes Beyond: Fallout Commander - Release Date and Details

Rodolfo Nogueira

Magic: The Gathering joins the iconic role-playing game series, Fallout! Check out the release date ...

fallout mtg magic release

The best Magic: the Gathering tattoos

The best Magic: the Gathering tattoos


Reddit has always been a social network with a lot of interaction and from there you can extract man...

opinion tattoomtg

Pauper: Sticker Goblin Zoo - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Sticker Goblin Zoo - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


In this comprehensive guide, learn how to build and optimize your Pauper Sticker Goblin Zoo deck, in...

Pauper Stickers

MTG - 5 Tips to Avoid Cheaters in a Match. Protect Yourself!

MTG - 5 Tips to Avoid Cheaters in a Match. Protect Yourself!

Rodolfo Nogueira

In this article, learn how to avoid cheaters in your future Magic: The Gathering matches! Check out ...

mtg cheating protect

Magic Lore: Ulgrotha, a Homeland

Magic Lore: Ulgrotha, a Homeland


Imagine a plane that has survived a cataclysm, was rebuilt, then overcame the passage of many planes...

Lore Ulgrotha MTGLORE

New MTG Anime Promos available: Pyroblast and Ice Out!

New MTG Anime Promos available: Pyroblast and Ice Out!

Rodolfo Nogueira

New borderless Pyroblast and Ice Out anime cards are now available in stores! Check out how to get t...

mtg anime promos cards

Wizards of The Coast ends partnership with Judge Academy

Wizards of The Coast ends partnership with Judge Academy

Rodolfo Nogueira

A long-standing partnership comes to an end: Wizards of the Coast ends its collaboration with Judge ...

WoTC judgeacademy MTG magic

MTG Doctor Who: Date, Cards, Doctors and Companions Revealed!

MTG Doctor Who: Date, Cards, Doctors and Companions Revealed!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Magic: The Gathering meets the classic British sci-fi series Doctor Who with the new MTG Doctor Who ...

mtg doctorwho tardis release

Pauper: Jund Wildfire Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Jund Wildfire Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


This article explores the Jund Wildfire deck in Pauper, providing a comprehensive deck tech and side...

pauper jund

MTG Universes Beyond: Jurassic Park Revealed During MagicCon Las Vegas!

MTG Universes Beyond: Jurassic Park Revealed During MagicCon Las Vegas!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Return to John A. Hammond's park through new Jurassic Park cards in the new Lost Caverns of Ixalan S...

mtg jurassicpark ghalta commander

Standard: World Championship Metagame Analysis

Standard: World Championship Metagame Analysis

Pacto das Guildas

The 29th Magic World Championship started this weekend. In today's article, I'll analyze this compet...

mtgworlds standard analysis

Lord of the Rings Returns to MTG with 24 New Cards and Boosters

Lord of the Rings Returns to MTG with 24 New Cards and Boosters

Rodolfo Nogueira

Tales of Middle-earth returns to Magic with new 4 Boxes and Boosters. Check out the news and unboxin...

MTG LoTR released new

MTG World Championship returns to Vegas: Find out where to watch and informations

MTG World Championship returns to Vegas: Find out where to watch and informations

Rodolfo Nogueira

Get to know everything about the 2022-2023 MTG World Championship that returns to Vegas. Find out ev...

MTG championship Vegas stream players

MTG announces Secret Lair - Ponies: the Galloping 2 for sale!

MTG announces Secret Lair - Ponies: the Galloping 2 for sale!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Benefiting for the first time in 2019 institutions such as Extra Life Children’s Charity and the Chi...

mylittleponey mtg magic charity

News from MTG Lost Caverns Of Ixalan! Release date and artworks

News from MTG Lost Caverns Of Ixalan! Release date and artworks

Rodolfo Nogueira

Continue the search for buried treasure and mysteries in the Lost Caverns of Ixalan. Find out now ev...

MTG magic lost caverns Ixalan date

TOP 7 Best Trading Card Games (TCG) ever made

TOP 7 Best Trading Card Games (TCG) ever made


Discover the ultimate list of the top 7 best trading card games (TCG) ever created, featuring iconic...

mtg lor tcg best

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