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Rodrigo William
Today, let's explore an Expanded list with the forgotten Grimmsnarl VMax, and Sword & Shield: Darkne...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Grimmsnarl Deck Tech Rogue
In this article, we'll explore Metagross VMax and its durability in combat, as well as Bronzong, whi...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Metagross
In this article, we'll explore this Expanded version of the very forgotten Galarian Slowking, now up...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Slowking
In this deck tech, we'll show you how powerful Vaporeon VMax is with Origin Forme Palkia VStar and S...
Pokémon TCG Vaporeon Expanded
Explore this Aggron VMax list that plays all the best Metal staples and is both extremely aggressive...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Aggron deck tech
Check out this Flareon VMax list that can deal up to 500 damage if you discard five energies from th...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Flareon
In this article, we'll show you an Expanded list with Jolteon VMax that focuses on "sniper" attacks,...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Jolteon
Check out this deck with the forgotten Eevee VMax and Lugia VStar + Archeops!
Pokémon TCG Expanded Eevee
Check out this Expanded list, which uses Salamance VMax as the main attacker, and Lugia VStar's comb...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Colorless
Check out this list with Kyurem VMax, Baxcalibur, and the "Archie's Ace in the Hole" combo, which ea...
Expanded Pokémon TCG Kyurem
Check out a new way to play Tapu Koko VMax in Expanded! This deck uses Surging Spark's Magneton as s...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Tapu Koko
Learn how to play Machamp VMax, from Astral Radiance, and Lucario, from Brilliant Stars!
Pokémon TCG Expanded
Take a look at our pick for the best Pokémon V in Sword & Shield, based on their history, what they ...
Pokémon V VMax VStar VUnion
Check out this Japanese list that has an exotic combination: Charizard ex with the Fusion Strike mec...
Pre Rotation Mew VMAX Charizard ex TCG
Check out the powerful Centiskorch VMax, from old Darkness Ablaze. It recently got a powerful ally f...
Pokémon TCG Expanded Centiskorch Fire Type
Check out this list from Sacramento (California, USA) Regional's Runner-Up, Niccolo Abate - who surp...
TCG Regional 2ndPlace Gyarados Water
Follow the Lapras VMax deck that takes advantage of Blastoise's "Deluge" ability to accumulate as mu...
Expanded Lapras Deck Guide
Meet the deck that came second in the last International of this first semester. Ian Robb showed the...
Duraludon Umbreon Columbus Deck Guide