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Magic: the Gathering
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, you will learn how Legends of Runeterra's competitive tournaments meta works and th...
guide news
In today's article, we theorize about what may (or may not) happen this year after several announcem...
Theory Speculation Battle
Tony Lucas
In this article I talk about my experience with Marvel Snap, I talk about the "rivalry" between Snap...
OpiniãoSnap Economy LoR
The dismissal of Wizards' LATAM marketing team is not the apocalypse, but it sets yet another preced...
Magic Analysis Latin America
Mono Anivia Control comes back at full force to the meta after the addition of a new card to its arc...
control Anivia lategame
Magic: The Gathering's next Spring set for 2023, and the prerelease is here, along with news of a mi...
news mtg new set march of the machine
If you're migrating to Legends of Runeterra competitive scene, we welcome you! Here is a gift for yo...
guide hearthstone lor
Pacto das Guildas
In this article, we discuss five decks that are on the rise against Pauper's current Metagame!
Pauper Decks Metagame
Answer 8 questions and find out which Freljord champion in LoR is most like you!
test quiz freljord lor
While similar role-playing games restrict players to a specific role for each class, this isn’t the ...
eso elder scrolls builds
The complete Jax Ornn guide. Here you will learn the reason this list is dominating the ranked ladde...
guide riot lock ranked ornn jax
Pedro Braga
In this article, we will list the most common artifacts in the Commander format and their uses.
Commander Artifacts Beginners
Legends of Runeterra's new format draws in feedback in the game's Beta Tournament Season. Players gi...
news lor daily rumbles feedback
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll be looking at the 12 best cards in the Photon Hypernova set and their impac...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Review
The Legendary Collection brings iconic cards for die-hard fans of the franchise!
news yu-gi-oh anniversary
When it comes to casino gambling, there's always a debate about whether luck is the only factor at p...
luck role casino chance
Discover the best tips for beginners to master the game of Magic: The Gathering. Learn how to build ...
master tips mtg
Enumeramos las mejores tierras en Magic the Gathering