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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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These are the main candidates to become the great villain in MTG's lore.
lore planeswalker
Discover the story of each one of the Companions through the eyes of our adventurer Planeswalker Viv...
lore companions
Today we will talk discuss more the lore of Ikoria, this time it will be about the apex monsters of ...
ikoria Lore
A mysterious planeswalker is controlling the Ozolith and accelerating the mutation of Ikoria's monst...
lore ikoria
From now on, Marcos from the InvoKando channel will tell the lore of Magic: The Gathering through ar...
lore otaria
Power metal songs that explore the tradition of the popular card game Magic: the Gathering
Faeries are present in several tales, and are also part of the folklore and mythology of some countr...
This time we'll cease our hunger for knowledge upon the feast that is Eldrazi lore!
The first article in a series about creature types, starting with vampires!
Roger Schola
Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go (to the graveyard!)
deck tech pioneer
Put on your Indiana Jones fedora and let's go
Thiago Fogaça
The deck that has everything to be targeted at the table and, oddly enough, can sustain your game ev...
deck tech cedh