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Jeskai Control is over 40% of Challenger Gauntlet's metagame

Jeskai Control is over 40% of Challenger Gauntlet's metagame


The archetype was the deck selected by 41.7% of the Challenger Gauntlet players, a high-level tourna...

news historic standard arena

Decklists for Standard 2022

Decklists for Standard 2022

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks a bit about Standard 2022 and some of its trending decklists.

standard2022 arena aggro control

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!


In this week's Metagame we see Winota's rise in Standard, defined archetypes resorting to splashes i...

analysis metagame standard modern legacy paup

Analysing Standard decks with Adventures in the Fogotten Realms

Analysing Standard decks with Adventures in the Fogotten Realms

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the most prevalent decks of the format and decks that has ascended with Adv...

standard afr

Metagame: The first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Metagame: The first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


In today's article, we'll analyze the first week of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms on the Constr...

analysis metagame standard modern legacy

Metagame: The return of old Pioneer decks and Modern's new cycles

Metagame: The return of old Pioneer decks and Modern's new cycles


Today, we'll see the League Weekend results in Standard and Historic, old decks re-emerging in Pione...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard Review

Thiago NileDeath

Today's article analyzes the cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for Standard!

standard arena d&d review

Analyzing  venture into Dungeon mechanic potential for constructed play

Analyzing venture into Dungeon mechanic potential for constructed play


In today's article, we take an initial look at the Dungeon mechanics, speculating what it needs to s...

d&d analysis dungeon standard

Sam Pardee wins the Strixhaven Championship

Sam Pardee wins the Strixhaven Championship


The North-American player played against the French John Girardot in the finals, in a Jeskai Turns m...

strixhaven championship historic standard

Guía del deck Sultai Ultimatum Standard - Actualizado

Guía del deck Sultai Ultimatum Standard - Actualizado

Thiago NileDeath

Este artículo actualiza la guía de Side Sultai Ultimatum, el deck más usado en el formato Standard.

deck tech side guide standard sultai arena

Sultai Ultimatum updated Deck Guide

Sultai Ultimatum updated Deck Guide

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings an updated guide for Sultai Ultimatum, Standard's current most played deck!

deck tech sideguide standard sultai arena

Top 5 Strixhaven cards for Standard

Top 5 Strixhaven cards for Standard

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the cards I believe that will have the greatest potential on Standard.

Strixhaven Spoiler Arena

Top 5 cartas de Strixhaven para Standard + Menciones de Honor

Top 5 cartas de Strixhaven para Standard + Menciones de Honor

Thiago NileDeath

Este artículo tratará sobre las cartas Strixhaven que considero cartas que tienen mucho potencial pa...

strixhaven standard spoiler

Las artes alternativas japonesas de las cartas Mystical Archive de StrixHaven

Las artes alternativas japonesas de las cartas Mystical Archive de StrixHaven


El sitio web japonés de Wizards of the Coast reveló las 63 artes que solo se podrán encontrar en los...

arena standard strixhaven mystical archive

The Japanese Alternative Arts of StrixHaven's Mystical Archive cards

The Japanese Alternative Arts of StrixHaven's Mystical Archive cards


The Japanese website of Wizards of the Coast revealed the 63 arts that will only be possible to be f...

arena standard strixhaven mystical archive

Guía de decks y side: Sultai Ultimatum Standard

Guía de decks y side: Sultai Ultimatum Standard

Thiago NileDeath

Hoy hablaremos sobre Sultai ultimatum del Standard con una guía de side para los principales matches...

guía tech side sultai standard Arena

Kaldhem's Standard Metagame: the next steps

Kaldhem's Standard Metagame: the next steps

Thiago NileDeath

This article talks about the results of the last League Weekend and which are the next steps of Stan...

Standard Kaldheim Arena Naya Temur

Arena Budget - ¡Snow Elves, el poder de un deck tribal!

Arena Budget - ¡Snow Elves, el poder de un deck tribal!


Deck tribal con un toque de interacción con las tierras nevadas.

budget standard elves snow arena

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