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Pauper: The New Bans, PFP's Communication & Accepting Reality

Pauper: The New Bans, PFP's Communication & Accepting Reality


My thoughts on the latest Pauper bans, the media adopted by the Format Panel, and the arduous need t...

Pauper ban analysis pfp

Warhammer 40,000: Cards, Commanders, Release Date and More!

Warhammer 40,000: Cards, Commanders, Release Date and More!

Natan Pires

Another crossover is approaching. After merging with Dungeons & Dragons, Magic joins Warhammer 40,00...

news warhammer commander

Lorcana: Disney's Trading Card Game to rival Magic: The Gathering

Lorcana: Disney's Trading Card Game to rival Magic: The Gathering

Leandro Lopes

In this article, we have gathered the information we could find about the card game based on charact...

card games news lorcana disney

ex Cards: About Scarlet & Violet's mechanics and World announcements!

ex Cards: About Scarlet & Violet's mechanics and World announcements!

Rodrigo William

Everything about the new "ex" card mechanics that were unveiled at the London World Cup, which will ...

new mechanic tcg2023 guide

5 Decks to play in the new Darkin Saga Expansion: Awakening!

5 Decks to play in the new Darkin Saga Expansion: Awakening!

Tony Lucas

In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR!

decks competitive lists

Jax and Ornn: First impressions of Legends of Runeterra's new champions

Jax and Ornn: First impressions of Legends of Runeterra's new champions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

The last Awakening champions are here: Jax and Ornn, to finish up the first equipment expansions ful...

expansion awakening first impressions

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Leandro Lopes

It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...

news music Dungeons & Dragons

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out


Check out 10 new decks with the new Legends of Runeterra champions.

gwen evelynn kai’sa lor forcesfrombeyond deck

Pokémon TCG Online: What it is and how to gain new cards

Pokémon TCG Online: What it is and how to gain new cards

Felipe Souza

Get to know Pokémon TCG Online: Play and Earn New Cards and Boosters for Free! It is possible to tra...

online guide pokemontcg guide

Draft Guide: Streets of New Capenna

Draft Guide: Streets of New Capenna


Today, I present a draft guide for Streets of New Capenna, focused on allied color bases and the mai...

Limited draft new capenna

Pokémon GO TCG: Everything about the new Pokémon set

Pokémon GO TCG: Everything about the new Pokémon set

Rodrigo William

Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: gu...

PokémonTCG Standart News

Secret Lair June Superdrop 2022: 6 new Drops

Secret Lair June Superdrop 2022: 6 new Drops


The June 2022 Superdrop has been released! There are 6 drops with several cards with new arts in nor...

secret lair superdrop drop

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions


The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...

decks worldwalker expansion lor

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future


Winota and Expressive Iteration were suddenly banned from Pioneer close to the Qualifiers. How did w...

pioneer ban analysis

Bard and Annie: First Impressions of the new champions

Bard and Annie: First Impressions of the new champions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the reveal season for Worldwalker coming to an end, we have the last two champions: Bard and An...

lor worldwalker expansion

Live Worldwalker: everything about the new Runeterra set

Live Worldwalker: everything about the new Runeterra set


Legends of Runeterra’s sixth set, Worldwalker, arrives on May 25th, 2022! Here you will see recent u...

set wolrdwalker

The Post-Streets of New Capenna Standard

The Post-Streets of New Capenna Standard


In today's article, I analyze how much Streets of New Capenna has changed Standard, I present the ma...

analysis metagame standard

Meet Your New Go-to Online Canadian Casino Reviewer

Meet Your New Go-to Online Canadian Casino Reviewer


This will be your new go-to guide if you’re looking for the best web casino platform in Canada

casino review

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