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Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
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Selesnya Liege combines various creatures with multicolored costs to get the most out of Wilt-Leaf L...
Standard SelesnyaLiege Deck Guide
In this article, we'll introduce Magic's most iconic instants, which have shaped strategies and sign...
Instants Top 10
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll explore the strategies that the 5 first masters in the America server used to...
guide lor standard
Rodrigo William
Today, we gathered the top 10 best Blaziken in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive s...
hoenn blaziken Pokémon TCG
Nat Almeida
Have you ever nearly won a game, but then lost because of combat damage? In this article, we'll show...
protection mtg damage
Marcos Sobral
In this article, we'll show the 10 cards that were great in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime franchise, but were ...
ranking ygo anime
Pacto das Guildas
Mono-Red is one of the pillars of Pauper nowadays, and red, as a color, also has a rich history in t...
Pauper competitive metagame
Today, we gathered the top 10 best Gardevoir in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive ...
Hoenn Pokémon TCG Gardevoir
Today, we gathered the first lists that stood out to players on the first few days of this new rotat...
guide lor decks standard
In this article, we present ten artifacts that made history in Magic: The Gathering and became iconi...
Top 10 Artifacts Magic
Bounce decks continue to grow in Standard, and discussions around This Town Ain't Big Enough and its...
Metagame Standard Bounce
Rakdos Demons is the latest version of Rakdos Midrange and is solidifying itself as the current best...
Pioneer RakdosDemons Deck Guide
Daniel Linhares
The explosive expansion of online gambling has given players a wide range of choices from classic ca...
Understanding how to identify and avoid these fees is essential for maximizing your casino experienc...
This guide’ll explore actionable tips to help you withdraw your winnings smoothly and without unnece...
Here’s how online casinos are successfully replicating and even enhancing the Canadian cardroom expe...
Pokémon TCG Pocket has become a hit among Pokémon fans, as it's a fresh take on the classic trading ...
New TCG set in Runeterra is set to release in 2025. How does it compare to the old time classic Poke...