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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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In today's article, we present a guide to Pioneer's new combo deck, Abzan Amalia, as well as evaluat...
Pioneer Amalia Combo Deck Guide
Rodrigo William
Check out the Kindgra Paradox Rift deck, which can deal up to 360 damage if the top six discarded ca...
Pokémon TCG Water Type Kingdra
Check out this list with Klawf, a new card from Paradox Rift. It focuses on the mechanic of dealing ...
PokémonTCG Economical Deck Paradox Rift
A new modality has arrived at Magic Arena: Timeless, where all cards already released on the platfor...
Timeless Mono Red Budget
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss each list that brings the Elder Dragon, and analyze them to figure ou...
guide standard decks
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I bring one of the most fun Control deck options available in Standard: Bant Con...
Standard DeckTech Sideguide
Runeterra champions are a vital feature in LoR as a whole, but do you know which ones are better? In...
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Check out the Iron Hands ex deck, from the new set, Paradox Rift. This list focuses on dealing as mu...
Standard Paradox Rift Hariyama
Rafael de Melo
Bright Lights is already among us! Today, we'll discuss one of the most promising decks in this set:...
Dash EVO FaB
Cards Realm
Looking to maximize your earnings with cloud mining? Look no further than CGMD Miner. This guide wil...
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In today's article, we chose Tetzin, Gnome Champion as the star of this deck tech, in a deck with do...
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Amidst the confusion created by the bans announced for Modern and Pioneer, Legacy remained untouched...
legacy ban metagame
Cesar Cusin
You've set up your group of brave companions at the tavern, now the dungeon is before you! You have ...
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Lightning Helix will be reprinted in Murders at Karlov Manor, and consequently arrive in Standard an...
Spoiler Review Standard Pioneer
Season-themed casino deals add new opportunities to your gameplay, but you must understand their bas...
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Unlocking Global Success: Pangea Global is the ultimate game localization company, bridging the gap ...
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Discover the powerful champions from Bandle City in Legends of Runeterra, as we explore the top 5 pi...
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Today, takes you behind the scenes as we explore popular multiplayer game genres, with...
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