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Magic: the Gathering
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Previously considered one of the most broken cards in Modern Horizons II and a mandatory staple for ...
Modern Ragavan Review
Magic: The Gathering's most famous monkey has arrived in Historic Brawl! In this article, we evaluat...
Ragavan Historic Brawl Deck Guide
This 001/500 serial has just been found as March of the Machine packs, boxes, kits and cards start b...
news ragavan march of the machine mtg mar
Gabriel Nunes
A closer look at Jund Food, which appeared making results in recent weeks and an important lesson ab...
modern jund challenge ragavan
João Carvalho
In this week's article, we'll talk about Ragavan, the new Legacy staple that has been taking over t...
legacy mh2 metagame
In this week's Metagame, we see the popularization of The Book of Exalted Deeds in Pioneer, a rise o...
analysis metagame
Tabata Marques
Some of our team members have gathered to give their opinions about the most hyped card of Modern Ho...
review mh2 modern