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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the actual state of the first few days of Legends of Runeterra's Patc...
meta analysis lor samira
Pacto das Guildas
In this article, we'll talk about one of the greatest rivals of Grixis Midrange in Standard, Esper L...
Standard Esper Legends Deck Guide
The rarest Yu-Gi-Oh! Card in the world will finally be sold after 18 years of being kept in a stored...
News yugioh rarest card market
Rodrigo William
See what's coming in Japan: new Sub Sets like Ancient Roar & Future Flash, Shiny Treasure, Ruler of ...
PokémonTCG Charizard Subset
A new update to the Lore in the March of the Machine story spoilers finally has Nissa and Chandra sh...
News lore chandra nissa mtg
By mixing a Midrange proposal with the plan to put Atraxa on the battlefield early, Rakdos Reanimato...
Standard Rakdos Deck Guide
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
Glory in Navori brings three new champions: Sett, Samira and the new exclusive champion, Jack. All a...
lor set first impressions
All confirmed rotated cards, visualized.
news rotation lor
The first Outsider-legal tournament was a big one, and it showed a lot about what we can say is the ...
news competitive outsiders fab
Discover the Expanded deck that was champion in the Aichi tournament (Japan), with the strong presen...
Expanded Japan Dragons
Dereck Duque Estrada
In this article, we will cover the main archetypes, the best common and uncommons and removals for t...
Limited Arena Draft Innistrad
Find out what race or species of tabletop RPG you are with just 10 questions!
Quiz RPG Races
With the curtain closing for Ash after 25 years as the main character in Pokémon in the show’s last ...
news pokémon anime
Gabriel Almeida
Learn everything about how Double Strike works in Magic: The Gathering and how to make the most out ...
Double Strike Beginners Guide
It does not matter that World of Warcraf has not advanced graphics as in modern games - this is abso...
facts wow world of warcraft
Leaks are notoriously known for ruining spoiler seasons, but this one seems to have come from WotC t...
news secret lair dnd
Now everyone is sticked to their cellphones for gaming and most of them don’t even know the real pla...
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In this brief article we’ll tell you about the best boosting solutions for any fresh character. Whic...
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