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This Article discuss a decklists focused on resilient combos for Prime Speaker Vannifar as a budget ...
Commander EDH Budget
¿Quiere entrar en el Commander, pero cree que el formato es demasiado caro? ¡Ven conmigo y te mostr...
deck tech edh commander
Do you want to play Commander, but the format seems too expensive to you? Come with me and I'll show...
Deck Tech Budget Commander EDH
This article is a compilation of all the combos seen in the set Commander Legends for Vintage, Comma...
commander edh combo
Como mejorar sus barajas preconstruido Sneak Attack del comandante Anowon,the Ruin Thief sin estar a...
edh commander
Con cartas como Thrasios a Mana Drain, Commander Legends es la primera edición centrada en el format...
How to improve the pre-constructed Sneak Attack Commander deck with Anowon, the Ruin Thief, in order...
Pedro Braga
A cute reinforcement for the Group Hug archetype on Commander
commander edh grouphug
Everything was wonderful until Fall From Favor's spoiler release, which caused a huge ammount of com...
pauper edh commander
Today we are interviewing Paul or Scarecrow1779, one of the Pauper Commander Committee members to be...
pdh edh commander pauper
The Secret Lair X The Walking Dead product will be released on October 4th and will have cards never...
pauper legacy commander edh
It has come the time to learn the story of Baron Sengir, the father of the Sengir vampires and leade...
lore cmd edh
Zendikar Rising Commander's decklists have been released! Let's look at what Commanders Obuun, Mul D...
Thiago Fogaça
Today I'll discuss some commanders previously used as mana synthesizers, as a way to present more op...
commander edh
I'll dedicate the last three chapters of this analysis to briefly comment about the tendencies in th...
Today will be the day to talk about the Birthing Pod lines in the Competitive Commander and we will ...
Last week, we focused on the many ways that decks in the competitive scenario can explore extra turn...
Double Masters will be a special set, doubling the number of rares per booster. Now is day for us to...
edh standard