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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Draco was a forgotten, legendary creature from Planeshift. Its scions, however, boosted by Leyline o...
Legacy leyline draco beanstalk
Pedro Braga
In today's article, let's take a look at the best commanders from the new set, Universes Beyond: Fal...
commander top 10 fallout
Pacto das Guildas
Lightning Helix is available in Pioneer and Explorer due to its reprint in MKM. In today's article, ...
Explorer Arena MTGA DeckTech
In today's article, we'll discuss Murders at Karlov Manor's Deadly Disguise, and how to upgrade it t...
decktech commander upgrade
In today's deck tech, straight from Murders at Karlov Manor, we have The Pride of Hull Clade as our ...
edh deck tech commander deck guide
In today's deck tech, I'll show you my main Commander deck! We'll see the adventures of The Eleventh...
commander decktech jeskai doctor who
Renan Menezes
In this article, we'll discuss the OP06 meta based on what we've seen in the East. We'll see what ar...
OP06 One Piece Luffy Sakazuki Meta Yamato
In today's article, we explore the new variant of Gruul Aggro with Fugitive Codebreaker, which merge...
Gruul Aggro Standard Deck Guide
During the WeeklyMTG, WotC confirmed a new Banned and Restricted update in Magic for next Monday, Ma...
notícia banlist atualização
In today's article, we'll show you how to upgrade a precon Commander deck from Murders at Karlov Man...
precon commander upgrade precon upgrade
Pauper has been caught off guard by the rising popularity of an unexpected deck. Dredge has been bri...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide
In today's article, I'll discuss Azorius Control, a deck that has performed well in Standard, and is...
Standard DeckTech Control SideGuide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
We decided to list down every guardian that also has their own card in Runeterra. After we were told...
trivia lor cosmetics
Cards Realm
Playing on gambling platforms requires luck, skill, strategy, and decision-making. Let's learn what ...
online casino fun luck earnings skill
Discover the intricate mechanics of the iconic roulette wheel in this fascinating exploration of its...
roulette secrets wheel mechanics fortune
In this detailed guide, discover expert tips and tricks for dominating online slots, from strategic ...
online slots game guide win
The article delves into the intricate world of betting psychology, uncovering how our inherent biase...
psychology getting emotion sports wagers
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of using American Express at casinos. From perks like secu...
Amex card security rewards fees