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Magic: the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Rodrigo William
Get to know this super cheap and accessible deck for all audiences, especially beginners, who want t...
solrock lunatone pokemonGO
Pedro Braga
In this Top 10 for Commander, we will see some of the most insane creatures with the weirdest abilit...
top 10 commander
Follow this wonderful deck that gained great prominence at the International USA championship in Jun...
Standard mewtwo V-Union Deck Guide
Meet the deck that became champion at the June 2022 International in the United States, created by A...
Champion International 2022 Standard
In this article, we'll get to know one of the decks that recently appeared in Legacy and discover th...
legacy 8 cast deck tech
Discover this unique post-Pokemon GO deck with the attacker Centiskorch (from Sword/Shield), and be ...
standard centiskorch deck tech
Rakdos Sacrifice is a very resilient option for Standard. Learn how this deck works and some tips fo...
Standard deck tech rakdos arena
Tony Lucas
A guide on how to play Ahri/Bard, a deck that will probably be this Seasonal's star list!
deck tech competitive seasonals
We will see the ten most useful cards of the special expansion of Pokémon GO TCG, mainly considering...
pokemonGO tcg competitive
In this article you will find all references and easter eggs from all skins that were released in th...
curiosities references easter eggs skins
In this article, you will see the 10 most valuable cards from Pokémon GO TCG so that you are familia...
cards value pokemonGO tcg
Felipe Torres
The fourth part of my article series, where I elaborate on combos used in Commander and the means to...
edh combos commander
Straight from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate, we have a deck that brings massive aggres...
Commander deck tech livaan background
Check out a review on this product to improve your deck with playable cards in this useful deckbuild...
Review toolkit pokeon
Raphael Martinez
We will talk in detail about the Ramp deck that becomes a suitable alternative for players who like ...
Pioneer gruul ramp deck guide
Today I present a Tasigur competitive deck without using the reserved list, with plenty of recursion...
cedh taisgur
Get to know more about the latest rotation news and how it was changes specifically for this year, a...
pokémon rotation changes
We'll explore the possibilities to build a Mewtwo-VStar deck with the new collection: Pokémon GO TCG...
PokémonTCG Deck Tech