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Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play with the new Salamangreat support cards, with a deck that is, bit by bit, more con...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Tech
Rodrigo William
Keep up with the Chi-Yu ex deck for the Fire archetype, recursive for the energization of your Fire ...
Standard Chi-Yu Treasure of Ruin
Keep up with the Ting-Lu ex deck, which controls opponent abilities, uses damage counters with the h...
Standard Ting-Lu Treasure of Ruin
Keep up with the Wo-Chien deck for Standard, using Forretress ex's ability to energize your Pokémon,...
Standard Wo-Chien Treasures of Ruin
Keep up with the Chien Pao ex deck, with its freezing strength, with which you'll use the resource o...
Standard Chien-Pao Treasure of Ruin
Legends of Runeterra devs reached out to the community for another AMA, and, this time, I, Joeystick...
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Mark Rosewater revealed eight new artworks for future cards at the San Diego Comic Con!
news teaser Mark Rosewater set
Eduardo Silveira
Let's discuss how we can upgrade the precon commander deck, "Food and Fellowship", with the Hobbits ...
LOTR Food and Fellowship Abzan Food Combo
The Yokohama Open Tournament has just been cancelled by The Pokémon Company, only three weeks before...
news competitive world championship
Meet the deck that came second in the last International of this first semester. Ian Robb showed the...
Duraludon Umbreon Columbus Deck Guide
Meet the champion deck of the 2023.1 International, in Columbus, Ohio (USA), with the stardom of the...
International Urchifu Inteleon Deck Guide
Follow the Corviknight VMax deck with the strategy of taking damage from the opponent while healing ...
Corvinight Deck Guide Expanded
Cards Realm
A fun and informative article about how to match your personality with a perfect casino game. Learn ...
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Panda Master Online Casino is a great gambling platform with amazing features. It offers excellent c...
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Sweepstakes Casinos 101 is a comprehensive guide to online gaming, providing an easy-to-follow intro...
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Online dating and gaming platforms are powerful tools for breaking the ice and building connections ...
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A discussion of the pros and cons of old-fashioned board games and modern online platforms for adult...
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Online gambling is evolving with new technologies and innovations taking center stage. Players can e...
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