What is Time Wizard
Time Wizard events are organized by OTSs and feature old Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG formats. When OTSs organize a Time Wizard event, they implement rules and mechanics from a certain period of time, so you'll use that time's Forbidden and Limited list, its Master Rules, and its most recent products.
For instance, if a Time Wizard event uses the 2005 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG National Championship, they'll use the April 2025 Forbidden and Limited list, and the last legal set would be Dark Beginnings 2.
About Time Wizard
After these events were officially sanctioned by Konami a few years ago, they became quite popular. Besides local Time Wizard tournaments in OTSs, they're also featured as side events in bigger tournaments, like Regionals and YCSs.

Historic formats, like the Goat Format and the Edison Format, can be used in these events.
The Main Goal Behind These Events
The main goal behind Time Wizard events is to let players relive their favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG time periods. So, the goal is to have fun with nostalgic formats.

Besides that, as these events are full of "ancient decks", they're a lot more accessible than Advanced, which is critical to many players.
Time Wizard Banlist Suggestion
The Time Wizard format I most recommend is the most popular format nowadays: the Edison format, a nostalgic format that brings back 2010 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Its name was inspired by the 75th Shonen Jump Championship (SJC), which took place in Edison, New Jersey, in 2010.
It uses the 7.0 official rulebook, and the March 2010 Forbidden & Limited list. You can only use cards released up to the Duelist Pack: Kaiba set. However, please note that some cards that came out around this time are not legal in this format - like some cards from the Hidden Arsenal set.
Check out below all cards banned in the Edison format!
Edison Format - Forbidden
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning;
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End;
Destiny HERO - Disk Commander;
Edison Format - Limited
;Left Arm of the Forbidden One;
Left Leg of the Forbidden One;
Right Arm of the Forbidden One;
Right Leg of the Forbidden One;
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind;
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness;
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier;
Burial from a Different Dimension;
Return from the Different Dimension;
Edison Format - Semi-Limited
Decks to Play in the Edison Format
Vayu Turbo
Vayu Turbo is quite fun. The main game plan is to get as much as you can from Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor's effect. To put it in play as fast as possible, this deck uses a "mill" strategy.
HERO Diva stands out because of how aggressive it is. Besides accessing powerful Synchro monsters, it also plays the incredible Elemental HERO Absolute Zero as its boss monster. Please note that this deck can also summon multiple copies of "Absolute Zero", which is incredibly strong for this format.
Blackwing is very popular in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG community even now, and is also great in the Edison format. It focuses on Synchro monsters and plays the powerful Icarus Attack trap, which is incredibly useful to deal with problematic cards on the enemy board.
Frognarch combines the "Frog" control engine with the powerful "Monarchs". They might seem like very different cards at a first glance, but this deck actually works really well because it locks down the game with the "Frogs" really well. This will make it easier for you to destroy your opponent with the strength of your "Monarchs".
Quickdraw is considered by many the best deck in the format: it is a combo deck centered around Synchro monsters. The main card in this strategy is Quickdraw Synchron, a powerful extender that gives you access to the best Synchro monsters from this time.
Final Words
So, what do you think of these Time Wizard events? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.
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