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Magic: the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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The end of February brings even more news for all Marvel Snap fans. A new card is announced, a balan...
News new content datamine leak marvel snap
Rodrigo William
Get to know one of the most durable Pokémons from Expanded: Incineroar from the Sword/Shield: Silver...
PokémonTCg Inineroar Expanded
Pacto das Guildas
In this article, we discuss five decks that are on the rise against Pauper's current Metagame!
Pauper Decks Metagame
Hearthstone's new update comes in with 38 new cards from the mini-set, "Return to Naxxaramas", updat...
news hearthstone mini-set arena
Discover the ADP Tag Team GX with Dragonite V deck, which brings new uses of the tool Sky Seal Stone...
PokémonTCG ADP Dragonite Dragon
Tony Lucas
The Star Guardian deck was the most nerfed one in this balancing patch. Gwen remains unchanged. Will...
opinion balancing meta
The player used a very interesting list to reach the rank of Master for this season! Check out the f...
news competitive ranked
Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...
news standard eternal competitive
Get to know one of the best Expanded Control decks, which will make your opponents mad! We have here...
PokémonTCG Ghost Control
We've had updates to hitpoints, Commander damage, and two card bans.
news pdh pauper commander
Get to know one of the best MIll/Deckout strategies on Expanded, with Moltres from the Sun/Moon: Tea...
Moltres Pokémon Expanded
Tiago Fuguete
In a meta dominated by Mono Red Kuldotha, Dimir Terror and Grixis Affinity, how about playing an ant...
sultai control pauper tiagofuguete
This deck got notoriety due to its versatility with card draw and simultaneous charging which Shadow...
PokémonTCG Control AbilityLock Calyrex
In this analysis, we'll see some cards that are going into the format, their potential and where the...
Magic Pauper
Rafael de Melo
Bans are here, so, I'll present to you the changes proposed to the game and what to expect of the fu...
bans FaB FleshAndBlood
With the amount of fame and hype certain video games have gained over the last couple of years, it m...
Game company success
For a couple of years, welcome bonuses have been prohibited in Spain. This has made online casinos a...
latin spain legality
The article contains up-to-date information about the most secure methods of deposit and withdrawal....
secure payment methods