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Standard: Cards that might get banned on May 29

Standard: Cards that might get banned on May 29


In today's article, we present the main cards that have a chance of being banned from Standard next ...

Standard Bans Opinion

Magic: The Gathering Changes Card Bans To Once A Year

Magic: The Gathering Changes Card Bans To Once A Year


On a livestream, this past Tuesday (16), Wizard of the Coast representatives announced they would be...

news competitive mtg banlist

Pokémon shop bans Adults from buying cards in Japan

Pokémon shop bans Adults from buying cards in Japan


A Pokémon store in Japan has banned adults from buying a portion of their stock. The measure is repo...

news pokemon store market

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Strongest Cards in 2023 & Possible Bans

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Strongest Cards in 2023 & Possible Bans

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I'll analyze the strongest cards in the current format that have a chance of being ...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Bans

Legacy: The New Bans and its impact on the format!

Legacy: The New Bans and its impact on the format!


Wizards has announced new bans on Legacy, but who wins and who loses with these changes?

Legacy Bans Delver Initiative

Pauper Duel Commander: Committee Creation, Bans and Updates

Pauper Duel Commander: Committee Creation, Bans and Updates


We've had updates to hitpoints, Commander damage, and two card bans.

news pdh pauper commander

FaB Analysis: The Impact of the 1/24 Banned and Suspended Announcement

FaB Analysis: The Impact of the 1/24 Banned and Suspended Announcement

Rafael de Melo

Bans are here, so, I'll present to you the changes proposed to the game and what to expect of the fu...

bans FaB FleshAndBlood

Analyzing Magic: The Gathering's 2022 bans

Analyzing Magic: The Gathering's 2022 bans


In this article, we'll analyze how Wizards hammered its bans throughout 2022, so we can understand w...

Magic The Gathering bans

Legacy: Speculating about Bans

Legacy: Speculating about Bans


Again, we find ourselves in a format strangled by Delver. Is it time for Wizards to take action? And...

Legacy Bans

Explaining the bans of The Meathook Massacre and Yorion, Sky Nomad

Explaining the bans of The Meathook Massacre and Yorion, Sky Nomad


The Meathook Massacre is banned on Standard and Yorion, Sky Noma is banned on Modern

standard modern bans

Pauper: The New Bans, PFP's Communication & Accepting Reality

Pauper: The New Bans, PFP's Communication & Accepting Reality


My thoughts on the latest Pauper bans, the media adopted by the Format Panel, and the arduous need t...

Pauper ban analysis pfp

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price


Playing the best deck comes naturally to competitive Magic. But when it creates noticeable advantage...

broken deck bans pioneer competitive

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future


Winota and Expressive Iteration were suddenly banned from Pioneer close to the Qualifiers. How did w...

pioneer ban analysis

Bans in Pioneer and Explorer: Expressive Iteration and Winota

Bans in Pioneer and Explorer: Expressive Iteration and Winota


Expressive Iteration and Winota, Joiner of Forces cards were banned in two formats: Pioneer and Expl...

explorer pioneer winota

Explorer: About Bans and What to Expect

Explorer: About Bans and What to Expect


Winota, Joiner of Forces and Tibalt's Trickery were banned from Explorer. What does this mean for th...

analysis explorer metagame ban

Pauper: About the (new) bans and the Metagame

Pauper: About the (new) bans and the Metagame


In today's article, I analyze the recent Pauper bans, what we can learn about the format, and what t...

pauper analysis ban

Commander: Speculations for the next bans

Commander: Speculations for the next bans

Felipe Torres

Today, I present my speculations based on how the format is going and talk about which cards might b...

commander edh ban

Standard: Analyzing the Bans and the format's uncertain future

Standard: Analyzing the Bans and the format's uncertain future


In today's article, I elaborate a bit on the strange state of Standard these days, and speculate on ...

analysis standard ban

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