Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Mateus Nogueira
We finally have a Gix card! But is one of Yawgmoth's most powerful praetors good enough to see compe...
Brothers War Gix Review
Rodrigo William
We've gathered the franchise's most important OVAs, with special considerations. I will show differe...
Pokémon OVA Animation
Pacto das Guildas
Tolarian Terror decks will receive another upgrade with The Brother's War, and it promises to make b...
The Brothers' War Pauper Highlight
Check out here in this article the 10 best-rated cards this second semester, this October, about the...
Standard Collectibles
In October 2022, Magic will be celebrating 30 years. In this article, we've put together 30 differen...
Tribes MTG Magic 30
Check out the 10 most expensive Blastoise cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA ...
PSA Blaistoise Top 10
Eduardo Silveira
Continuing our analysis of Universes Beyond Warhammer 40,000, we present a suggested deck budget fro...
Warhammer 40k Ultramarines Commander
Tiago Fuguete
The “new” Burn has never been so hot, it's one of the most played deck currently, and is extremely p...
Red Aggro Burn Pauper
Check out here the most expensive and collectible cards from Pokémon TCG's Lost Origin expansion.
PokémonTCG Lost Origin List
Felipe Torres
Today, we introduce a budget Commander decklist with one of Warhammer40k's most fun cards, Magus Luc...
cmd budget warhammer edh
Starter Commander decks are five different two-color decks that have everything you need to jump rig...
commander edh
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the best post-banlist decks for beginners in Yu-Gi-Oh!. They are relative...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks Beginners
Magic will be starting its 30th anniversary celebration this month. In this article, we'll visit som...
Magic 30 Legends EDH
Check out the 10 most expensive Charizard cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA ...
PSA Charizard Top 10
A selection of the strongest Unfinity cards that can appear in cEDH decks.
cEDH Unfinity
Check out the 10 most expensive Venusaur cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA 1...
PSA Most expensive Venusaur
In this article, I present to you the most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, their reasons and stories.
Yu-Gi-Oh! top 10 expensive cards