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Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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After two weeks of terror in the Eternal meta, a hotfix has come to save the day just before the big...
news hotfix lor competitive
Pacto das Guildas
Standard has finally been the target of the Wizards' hammer and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Reckone...
Standard Metagame Decklists
In a surprising move, one of the largest Korean Pokémon tournaments disqualified all of its Top 4 fi...
news pokémon competitive
This article provides a comprehensive guide to Poison Storm. It includes deck tech, sideboard strate...
Pauper guide
Orcish Bowmasters has the potential to change Modern's Metagame. In today's article, we analyze the ...
Orcish Bowmasters Modern Review
In this article, we are going to evaluate Orcish Bowmasters, which will make the opponent think twic...
LotR Legacy Review Highlight
In today's article, we evaluate which decks win and lose with Standard's new banlist update!
Banlist Standard Metagame
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I will analyze the May 2023 TCG banlist, which will be legal on June 5th.
Banlist Yu-Gi-Oh! May 2023
It's a buy 3, get 1 free deal!
news market Blue-eyes white dragon
This rare Pokémon card inspired by the famous "Scream" painting was just sold for 15k!
news market pikachu scream
Another Pokémon TCG player was accused of cheating after live-camera footage showed them executing a...
news competitive tournament cheating
Rodrigo William
Follow the list of cards banned from the Expanded format updated until 2023, and learn all about the...
Rules Banned Expanded
Cards Realm
Avoiding common mistakes when playing online slots is key to having a fun and successful experience....
online slots game gambler
This article provides a checklist of important steps to consider before downloading a mobile betting...
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Live sports betting has become increasingly popular, as it offers an exciting and interactive experi...
live sports betting gaming
Weed users don’t know their favorite hemp variants’ similarities, differences, or compositions. Let’...
seed hybrid cannabis sativa
CSGO Gambling is a popular form of betting on the results of competitive video game matches. Gamers ...
Counter Strike:Global Offensive gameplay
Bitdeer, a leading crypto mining company, plans to raise $500M for its operations in Bhutan. This in...
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