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Children of EDH: Commander and its Variants

Children of EDH: Commander and its Variants

Vinicius Sorin

Commander is a format with many variations, each of them with a different focus, creating an environ...

commander edh competitive multiplayer

Imagine Review: A Game to test your creativity

Imagine Review: A Game to test your creativity

Cesar Cusin

In Imagine, you receive a clue, check your cards and needs to decipher the Enigma!

imagine creativity review

Historic: A 2021 Retrospective of sets' impact and main decks

Historic: A 2021 Retrospective of sets' impact and main decks

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings a Historic retrospective, going through the main sets and decks throughout 2021.

historic arena mtg

Standard: 2021 decks and sets' impact retrospective

Standard: 2021 decks and sets' impact retrospective

Thiago NileDeath

This article brings a retrospective of Standard throughout 2021, the main decks before Kaldheim and ...

standard innistrad kaldheim strixhaven dnd

Modern: Card Highlight - Chandra, Dressed to Kill

Modern: Card Highlight - Chandra, Dressed to Kill

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, we analyze Chandra, Dressed to Kill's impact and presence on Modern's competitiv...

modern competitive chandra

Modern: Grixis Shadow, Optimization and Tempo

Modern: Grixis Shadow, Optimization and Tempo

Gabriel Nunes

In today's article, we will take a closer look at Grixis Death's Shadow, which combines the classic ...

modern competitive grixis shadow

cEDH Deck Guide: Toxrill, the Corrosive

cEDH Deck Guide: Toxrill, the Corrosive

Felipe Torres

This article brings a Toxrill, the Corrosive control deck for cEDH, one of the most interesting crea...

cEDH vow commander

Innistrad: Crimson Vow's Impact on competitive formats

Innistrad: Crimson Vow's Impact on competitive formats


Let's check here which Innistrad 2.0 cards are appearing in the winning decks of the metagame in Sta...

standard arena modern legacy

Pauper Elves: Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper Elves: Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Willis

In this guide, I present everything you need to know about how to play with Elves in Pauper, includi...

comptitive pauper elves

Commander Deck Tech: Olivia, Crimson Bride  - Reanimator

Commander Deck Tech: Olivia, Crimson Bride - Reanimator

Eduardo Silveira

This Olivia, Crimson Bride deck's proposal is a budget Reanimator that tries to abuse extra combat w...

innistrad rakdos olivia commander

Legacy: Top Five Cards from Innistrad Crimson Vow

Legacy: Top Five Cards from Innistrad Crimson Vow


In today's article, I present the top five cards from Innistrad: Crimson Vow for Legacy!

leacy review innistrad

Five Pioneer Budget Multicolored Decklists: Enemy Colors

Five Pioneer Budget Multicolored Decklists: Enemy Colors


In today's article, I present another five budget decklists for Pioneer on the enemy-colors combinat...

pioneer budget deck

Modern: Hammer Time Deck Guide + Sideboard Guide

Modern: Hammer Time Deck Guide + Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll discuss the maindeck and sideboard choices of Modern's current most famous deck: Hamme...

modern competitive guide hammer time

Five Pioneer Budget Multicolored Decklists: Allied Colors

Five Pioneer Budget Multicolored Decklists: Allied Colors


In today's article, I present five budget decks for Pioneer on the allied color combinations: Azoriu...

pioneer budget deck

Five Budget Monocolored Pioneer Decklists

Five Budget Monocolored Pioneer Decklists


In today's article, I present five functional, mono-colored Pioneer budget decklists for you to use ...

pioneer budget decklists

Modern: Jeskai Stoneblade and Anti-Meta Decks

Modern: Jeskai Stoneblade and Anti-Meta Decks

Gabriel Nunes

This article brings a different version of Jeskai Stoneblade, entirely focused on responding to Mode...

modern jeskai competitive stoneblade

Pioneer's Metagame: The Most Played Decks

Pioneer's Metagame: The Most Played Decks


In today's article, I look at Pioneer's current Metagame, explaining how the format's top decks work...

pioneer decks competitive

Teamfight Tactics Definitive Guide: Economy and Stages

Teamfight Tactics Definitive Guide: Economy and Stages

Divinity Of Philosophy

Learn everything you need to play Teamfight Tactics and become Master in this game that you can play...

guide beginner economy stages

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