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After a long absence, Bant Toxic returned to Standard tournaments with a setup using Mockingbird as ...
Standard BantToxic Deck Guide
Pacto das Guildas
Bounce strategies are dominating Standard! In today's article, we brought you a guide on one of the ...
Standard competitive deck tech
After a Top 4 full of mirrors between Nadu decks, Simon Nielsen was victorious in Modern's biggest p...
noticia pro tour modern
The Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Metagame has been revealed, with several new decks enabled by the new...
Noticia pro tour modern
In today's article, we analyze Bant Poison, a strategy on the rise in competitive Standard in Januar...
Toxic Standard Deck Guide
Simic Infect is a deck that has roamed the Legacy metagame ever since the Scars of Mirrodin block br...
Legacy infect deck tech
In today's article, I bring one of the most fun Control deck options available in Standard: Bant Con...
Standard DeckTech Sideguide
Bant Control has been a recurring player in the Metagame since Uro was released. But this 4-color ve...
Legacy Deck Guide Atraxa Bant
Raphael Martinez
We'll speak thoroughly about Pioneer's more aggressive Spirits version, the version with the highest...
pioneer spirits deck tech sideguide
Today, we will analyze the Bant Party, deck that has been doing great results in Standard 2022 and t...
analysis decks standard2022 arena
We took a strong deck in the metagame and made it into a more accessible (but still good) one
deck tech