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Commander Deck Tech: Halana and Alena

Commander Deck Tech: Halana and Alena

Eduardo Silveira

This Halana and Alena deck has an aggressive midrange strategy, growing its threats and the board qu...

innistrad halana alena commander

Pioneer Deck Tech: Izzet Control

Pioneer Deck Tech: Izzet Control


In today's article, we analyze the Izzet Control, which had two placements on last weekend's Challen...

analysis pioneer deck tech izzet

Commander Deck Tech: Donal, Herald of Wings

Commander Deck Tech: Donal, Herald of Wings

Eduardo Silveira

This deck's proposal is a Bounce House that controls the board while developing its position, utiliz...

commander deck tech crimson vow

Standard: Izzet Control - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Izzet Control - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Thiago NileDeath

Today, I bring you a guide for Standard's Izzet Control, with a sideboard guide for the format's cur...

deck tech standard izzet

Commander Deck Tech: Malcolm & Tana

Commander Deck Tech: Malcolm & Tana

Felipe Torres

This budget Malcolm / Tana deck is focused on winning the game as quickly as possible with two-card ...

edh commander decktech

Commander Deck Tech: Runo Stromkirk

Commander Deck Tech: Runo Stromkirk

Eduardo Silveira

This Runo Stromkirk deck runs a self-mill strategy to take full advantage of Krothuss, Lord of the D...

innistrad dimir commander mill

Pauper Elves: Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper Elves: Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Gabriel Willis

In this guide, I present everything you need to know about how to play with Elves in Pauper, includi...

comptitive pauper elves

Commander Deck Tech: Olivia, Crimson Bride  - Reanimator

Commander Deck Tech: Olivia, Crimson Bride - Reanimator

Eduardo Silveira

This Olivia, Crimson Bride deck's proposal is a budget Reanimator that tries to abuse extra combat w...

innistrad rakdos olivia commander

Pioneer Deck Tech: Izzet Drake

Pioneer Deck Tech: Izzet Drake


In today's article, we dissect the Izzet Drake played by Daniel Schriever to win the Mythic Champion...

pioneer deck tech izzet

Commander Deck Tech: Katilda, Dawnhart Prime - Humans

Commander Deck Tech: Katilda, Dawnhart Prime - Humans

Eduardo Silveira

Meet Katilda, Dawnhart Prime, a human-based tribal toolbox deck, utilizing our commander's ability t...

edh humans tribal

Commander Deck Tech: Sharuum, the Hegemon

Commander Deck Tech: Sharuum, the Hegemon

Felipe Torres

This article brings a Sharuum commander decklists with plenty of ways to finish the game.

budget edh mtg commander

Pirates Aggro Deck Tech - From beginners to masters

Pirates Aggro Deck Tech - From beginners to masters


Pirates Aggro is a deck that has dominated the meta in several seasons, and even in those where it d...

decktech pirates aggro guide

Historic Deck Tech: Heliod Company

Historic Deck Tech: Heliod Company


Today, we dissected the Heliod Company from Historic, an aggro deck that uses Heliod Sun-Crowned's c...

decktech historic arena heliod

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck


In this article, which seeks to bring an analysis of decks that made history in Magic, we analyze th...

Analysis throwback nassif decktech

Standard 2022 Deck Tech: Bant Party

Standard 2022 Deck Tech: Bant Party


Today, we will analyze the Bant Party, deck that has been doing great results in Standard 2022 and t...

analysis decks standard2022 arena

Pauper Deck Tech: Mono-Black Control

Pauper Deck Tech: Mono-Black Control


In today's article, we dissect the current version of Mono-Black Control, used by the player Tweedel...

decktech pauper mbc mono black

Pioneer Deck Tech: Mono-Black Vampires

Pioneer Deck Tech: Mono-Black Vampires


In today's article, we dissect the Vampires, Pioneer deck that has been making occasional results in...

pioneer vampires deck tech

Modern Deck Tech: Izzet Phoenix is back!

Modern Deck Tech: Izzet Phoenix is back!

Pedro Braga

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and Modern Horizons II made Izzet Phoenix come back from the ashe...

modern decktech phoenix izzet

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