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Top 10 Consistency Spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Top 10 Consistency Spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG

Marcos Sobral

In this article, we picked out the top 10 best consistency spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!

Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 Consistency

MTG and Secret Lair: Menery is immortalized with Sheldon's Spellbook collection!

MTG and Secret Lair: Menery is immortalized with Sheldon's Spellbook collection!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Sheldon Menery, Commander pioneer, is immortalized in a partnership between Magic: The Gathering and...

mtg commander sheldon secretlair

Spoiler Highlight: Show and Tell, Gamble & Spell Snare on Timeless!

Spoiler Highlight: Show and Tell, Gamble & Spell Snare on Timeless!


All cards from the Murders at Karlov Manor's Special Guests series will be available in Magic Arena....

Temeless Arena Spoiler

Top 13 Spells that Counter Commanders and They Don't Come Back to the Zone

Top 13 Spells that Counter Commanders and They Don't Come Back to the Zone

Nat Almeida

Have you imagined if a commander doesn't go back to the Commander Zone and has its abilities "counte...

commander counter spells top commanders

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Pedro Fernandes

A deck that is surprising everyone in this set is Mage Aggro! Check out here how to play it and win ...

legend hs decks mage hs decks aggro mage

Tribal Wars Commander: Rules and How it Works

Tribal Wars Commander: Rules and How it Works


Here is a summary of the shared ideas from many groups of people who are simply escaping the standar...

tribal spelltable commander

Top 10 Champion spells which are more popular than their champions!

Top 10 Champion spells which are more popular than their champions!

Tony Lucas

Know that champion that you barely see in a deck, but their spell is everywhere in meta decks? Yeah...

ranking curiosities champions

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Leandro Lopes

It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...

news music Dungeons & Dragons

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for D&D 5th Ed (Pt 1) - Spells, Technology & Classes

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty for D&D 5th Ed (Pt 1) - Spells, Technology & Classes

Vinicius Sorin

Rules and tips to adapt the world of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty to a Dungeons & Dragons campaign!

Lore RPG D&D

Budget Commander - Eleven & Will Spellslinger

Budget Commander - Eleven & Will Spellslinger

Eduardo Silveira

In this article, we discuss a budget decklists based around Stranger Things' new Commanders: Eleven ...

edh commander budget strangerthings

BUDGETING ARENA - Izzet Tempo Spells

BUDGETING ARENA - Izzet Tempo Spells


Today we have a deck that manages to control the game while attacking the opponent with increasing s...


Announced Chandra Signature Spellbook, Summer Super Drop and fetchlands reprints

Announced Chandra Signature Spellbook, Summer Super Drop and fetchlands reprints


Today, Wizards of the Coast announced three new products: Chandra Signature Spellbook, Summer Super ...


WPN link leaks confirmation of Chandra Signature Spellbook

WPN link leaks confirmation of Chandra Signature Spellbook


If you have questions about any Magic product and would like its description, the best place to visi...


From Casting Spells to Reading Tells

From Casting Spells to Reading Tells

Cards Realm

The transition from Magic: The Gathering to poker is a natural evolution for many players. While MTG...

gathering mtg spell card games

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