Magic: the Gathering
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A very... Interesting article was published on Wizards of the Coast's official Magic: The Gathering ...
news products release mystery
This article provides an in-depth guide to building and sideboarding with Pauper Moggwarts and more!
pauper mtg moggwarts combo
The first Runeterra Open in the Heart of the Huntress season happened last weekend, July 15th and 16...
news competitive open
The Lord of the Rings has arrived and left its mark on Legacy. How did the format's Metagame look af...
Legacy Metagame Review LotR
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I bring you a Classic Constructed tech deck from the Empress version of Dromai, ...
Dromai CC Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
July 15th's Runeterra Open is coming and, as usual, I bring to you my guide for lineups which will p...
guide competitive runeterra open
Commander is usually the go-to casual format as it is, but one guy decided to take it further as a s...
news Commander
Pedro Fernandes
A new format has arrived in Hearthstone, and in this article you'll understand how it works, besides...
hearthstone twist best decks deck guide
With the new set coming, everyone has their eyes set on extra packs!
news hearthstone new set titans
This new partnership between Legend Story Studios and MTG's Professor is setting out to give Flesh a...
news mtg fab product
Despite the confusion online, and the many different product listings which mention these cards, the...
news collector booster lord of the rings
The new expansion, Heart of the Huntress, is here! I've brought you 10 lists to test out on the firs...
guide new set decks
In this article, we highlight the main Lord of the Rings cards that appeared in this weekend's big M...
Modern Metagame LotR
In this article, we'll assess and grade all new cards from the new expansion, "Heart of the Huntress...
news guide new set
The Heart of the Huntress Expansion is coming, and with it new skins can come to Runeterra. Let's gu...
news skin new set
A new Hearthstone mode was announced by Blizzard, and it is set to replace Classic! Check out here a...
news format hearthstone
Let's see what the Middle-Earth characters bring to Legacy. The greatest fantasy story of all time h...
Review LotR Legacy
In today's article, I present my set review with the main cards of Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middl...
Modern Review LotR