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Mark Jacobson wins 1º MagicFest Online Weekly Championship - top 8 decklists

Mark Jacobson wins 1º MagicFest Online Weekly Championship - top 8 decklists


Defeated Ainol Alcaraz with Rakdos Sacrifice in the grand final


Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa wins World Championship XXVI: recap and decklists

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa wins World Championship XXVI: recap and decklists


The World Championship XXVI took place this weekend, from February 14 to February 16, 2020, in Honol...


The Commander with Divergent Transformations - Kykar, Wind's Fury

The Commander with Divergent Transformations - Kykar, Wind's Fury

Thiago Fogaça

How to develop the characteristics of a good general and take them to the next level

deck tech cedh

Interviewing Thoralf Severin, winner of Mythic Championship IV

Interviewing Thoralf Severin, winner of Mythic Championship IV


We interviewed Thoralf Severin right after he won the Mythic Championship IV


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