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In this article, we present five budget Standard decklists with Foundations!
Standard Budget Foundations
In this article, we'll be sharing the main new features of the second week of Foundations at Magic O...
Foundations Metagame
In this article, we present the main new features that the new Magic expansion, Foundations, brought...
Pacto das Guildas
Magic: Foundations will expand every format's card pool, and possibly change Standard entirely. In t...
standard foundations competitive review
In this article, we present five decklists from the Magic Arena's Timeless format with cards from Fo...
Timeless Decklists Foundations
In today's article, we present five decklists with Foundations cards to try in the Pioneer format!
Pioneer Decklists Foundations
Antonio Carlos
In this article, we'll talk about another innovative decklist straight from the Top32 of the Seattle...
disney lorcana competitive deck guide
In this article, let's analyze an innovative decklist from the Top 8 of Seattle's Challenge - an ada...
In this article, we present seven Standard decklists with the new Magic: The Gathering expansion, Fo...
Standard Decklists Foundations
Today, we'll talk about one of the best tempo decks in Pauper, Dimir Terror - a deck with a powerful...
deck tech side guide competitive pauper
In today's article, let's analyze the results of the Disney Lorcana Challenge in Seattle, an also ta...
disney lorcana competitive dlc challenge
The World Championship is one of the most influential tournaments in Magic: The Gathering. In this a...
Metagame Stamdard Worlds
In today's article, MtG Judge Antonio Faillace explains the rules change in combat, which begins wit...
mtg rules foundations wizards
The Magic World Championship kicks off today. In this article, we’ll take a look at the event’s meta...
Metagame Worlds30 Standard
In this article, we present the main news and highlights of the fourth week of Duskmourn in competit...
Metagame Duskmourn
In today's article, we'll go through a list I played in the second season of the Roraima Pauper Leag...
pauper deck tech side guide competitive
In this article, we present eight Standard decks that have grown or established themselves as top op...
Worlds Standard Metagame
With no competitive support on 2025, Pioneer is now closer to the late Extended than to other format...
Pioneer Competitive Opinion