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The 44 decklists from 2º phase of SuperCup: Pauper Teams 2021.1

The 44 decklists from 2º phase of SuperCup: Pauper Teams 2021.1


The second Draft will take place tomorrow! We have released the 44 decklists that will play this sec...

pauper royale tournament

The 44 Pauper decklists from the tournament Royale SuperCup: Pauper Teams

The 44 Pauper decklists from the tournament Royale SuperCup: Pauper Teams


Before the Picks phase that will take place today, we released the 44 decklists that will play this ...

pauper teams metagame

Interview with the Champion of the Pauper Super Qualifier: Pedro Paulo

Interview with the Champion of the Pauper Super Qualifier: Pedro Paulo


The Pauper Super Qualifier happened and the winner was the brazilian Pedro Paulo! Today, we gonna in...

news interview qualifier

Apex monsters of Ikoria - The supreme predators

Apex monsters of Ikoria - The supreme predators


Today we will talk discuss more the lore of Ikoria, this time it will be about the apex monsters of ...

ikoria Lore

Announced Chandra Signature Spellbook, Summer Super Drop and fetchlands reprints

Announced Chandra Signature Spellbook, Summer Super Drop and fetchlands reprints


Today, Wizards of the Coast announced three new products: Chandra Signature Spellbook, Summer Super ...


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